Name: Anita Silva Age: 28 Faction: The Lost Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Image] [img][/img] [/hider] Clothes: Anita's clothes vary depending on the situation, but for casual wear usually black cargo pants, dark red leather jacket, sunglasses, black T shirt and sneakers. When on a job or dealing with higher ups in 'The Lost' she tends to wear a suit to look more professional. Nationality: Brazillian Personality: Anita could possibly be one of the most friendly enforcers The Lost have at their disposal. She's very polite and capable of getting a long with many people. Even when killing another she takes little pleasure in murder, but instead gets more of a thrill out of the pursuit. However, for many it still calls into question why she is an enforcer for this particular group and not any other. One of the most important aspects of her personality is her loyalty. For The Lost she is a very trustworthy member which is significant all on its own. They have little to hold over her which makes it even more surprising. Its the same for anyone. If she owes you a favor Anita will make sure to repay you in someway she sees fit. Equipment: Anita receives a hefty sum for many of the jobs she's taken and has been able to build up a decent arsenal. Her contacts in the blackmarket helps greatly. She only takes two weapons at a time at best. The rest generally stays at home for use later. [url=]Assault Rifle[/url]- This is one of Anita's most expensive weapons. Its military grade and only sees use when she expects a hard fight. [url=]Pistol[/url]- One of her more commonly used weapons. Great for taking down the random thug if need be. This is close to a family heirloom. Her grandfather used to claim that his Granfather used to hunt demons with it. She felt it was a dumb little lie but didn't mind using the nice looking pistol. [url=]Shotgun[/url]- She uses this when she cares about being loud and scaring her targets. Silencer Combat Knife Brass Knuckles Body Armor Skills: Boxer/HTH Combat Training- Anita came from a family of fighters. Her mother was a boxer and her father enjoyed streetfighting. Eventually they both trained her very well when it came to self defense. They lived in poor and very violent areas which made her training often vital. As she grew up and got involved in more criminal activities Anita quite often got the chance to gain experience in fighting multiple armed enemies with just her fists. Gunslinger- While not one of the best shooters Anita was called a gunslinger by many of her pears. She practiced with guns when young and was surprisingly proficient at the use of firearms. This combined with live fire experience grew her into a formidable foe with a gun. Anita personally gives her self little credit knowing there are many better than her in that area. Free running- Her brothers were the very definition of delinquents, but one thing that made them good at stealing and painting property in hard to each areas were their free running skills they shared with their sister. Anita learned through a lot of failures but became rather decent at the skill. She's very fast and nimble which helps when chasing down her targets. History: Anita grew up in one of the poorer and more dangerous districts. Her family was large and parents very strict, but they were never truly malicious no matter how bad she acted out. Her life in many ways wasn't abnormal in that part of the city. Witnessing the occasional robbery, carbomb, police brutality etc. was surprisingly normal. It was why the older members of her family pushed their children into school and hopefully out of the district. Anita didn't care about leaving because this normal was always exciting and never ended. It was also a place her family called home. She enjoyed it, but never revealed that to anyone. In Highschool Anita continued to try and do well in school, while also getting involved with criminals. During this time terrorist attacks were getting far more frequent in their area of the district. One day at their highschool graduation the whole family was there to see her brothers graduate. A carbomb went off near the ceremony with enough explosives to kill nearly everyone there including most of Anita's family. At this point she was 15 with only her barely alive mother as her only family. The money she got from selling drugs and stealing for her friend in The Lost was the only revenue she could earn. This was how a hobby of hers became her profession. Everyday survival was necessary for her and her mother who was still in a coma. Now over 10 years later Anita hasn't left her career in crime and doesn't plan on it. Other: Anita's loyalty to The Lost is dependent on the man who brought her into the syndicate and gave her the most help. He calls himself Danny and simply thinks he found a girl with talent and cultivated it. No more no less.