The early morning is cold in the rebel camp. Dawn hasn't even broke yet, so the camp is quiet and most are asleep save for those on watch and a few early risers. Normally, you wouldn't be required to be up this early, but you had a purpose. Arl Rendorn Guerrin, Commander of the rebel forces, is to brief you on your mission this morning. It is crucial to start early, as you will need to sneak past an Orlesian patrol, but that was all you were told. As you enter an enormous tent, you are greeted with the sight of Arl Rendorn, of course, as well as Maric Theirin, rightful King of Ferelden and his betrothed, Rowan Guerrin. Beside Maric is a young man with raven black hair. This was Loghain, as you remember. Arl Rendorn is hunched over a table in the middle of discussing strategy with the others, but stands up straight and turns to you when you enter. [color=lightgreen]"Ah, good. You've arrived."[/color] He looks over at Maric and gestures to your group. [color=lightgreen]"Your Majest--"[/color] The young King flinched at the title, forcing the Arl to correct himself. [color=lightgreen]"Maric. These are the individuals who I have selected to be your agents."[/color] Maric steps towards your group. He brushes his blond hair out of his face to get a better look at you. [color=yellow]"Um... is this all of them? I mean, I understand we should keep it small, but..."[/color] [color=gray]"A small group can do many things a larger force can't."[/color] Loghain interrupts him. Maric looks back him and shrugs. [color=yellow]"Yeah, guess you're right."[/color] He shoots each of you a smile. [color=yellow]"Hi, i'm Maric. I'm the, uh, King. I guess."[/color]