Lex walked into the base, wearing a black pants and sweater. he had on a brown trench coat. He was carying a black suitcase. The suitcase contained his war suit. He was suprised the League allowed him to join. His father did many wrong things and Lex wanted to right them. The base was impressive. The tech didnt look to bad. He called his assistant on the phone. "Yes Mercy...cancel all my appointments. Yes I will be busy for the next few days. Dont worry I will call." Lex hung up and walked down the hall to where all his team mates were. They looked like nice people and interesting. They also didnt look to stupid. Then someone caught his eye. A girl. He took a quick glance at the girl with short dark hair(Peggy Little). Once the guy named Seamus was finished introducing himself. Lex put his suitcase on the table and said "Hello...my name Is Lex Luthor....my father is the supervillain. But Im not like him. I asked to join this team to right all the wrongs he did and bring honor back to my family name." Lex gave a awkward smile, he wasnt used to smiling. *[i]Dad had way better people skills[/i]* "I hope you all can accept me as a teammate."