[@needlingAsklepios] Wild pokemon are for the most part NPCs. you guys can throw in little ones whenever you want. Basically based on what pokemon we have you have to show pokemon weaker than that. Ill take care of the big stompy ones. But yeah been working away in my spare time. little bits here and there. It'd be nice to just have this Saturday three or four more times. Could get a lot done. For now I've been reorganizing all of the info here and getting it set into a nice concise OOC. I've been hoping to make a map for you all, but my art skills are limited to paint by number :P (see avatar for recolored scyther.) Which reminds me! no shiny pokemon. Every pokemon can come in EVERY color. sorry always found it a bit silly that colors are perfectly the same across all pokemon. you can have your pokemon be whatever color you want.