[@rush99999] Actions: Draw 2nd mace and go to town on any zombie foolish enough to get too close. One-handed check required: (2 [color=fff200]yellow[/color] VS 2 [color=662d91]purple[/color]) = [u]faT[/u] = Failure with advantage and Triumph. [@Eklispe] Maneuver and Action: Aim, Attack zombie near Qa'Ra Marksman check required: (2 [color=39b54a]green[/color] 1 [color=fff200]yellow[/color] VS 2 [color=662d91]purple[/color]) = [u]sst[/u] = Double success with a threat [@WittyWolf] Maneuver and Action: Use Incantations, cast Shock Damage/ Magnitude 1 (Magicka 8/15) Destruction check required: (2 [color=fff200]yellow[/color] VS 2 [color=662d91]purple[/color]) = [u]sstt[/u] = Double success with a double threat [@Regendorf] No Post - Continues to attack the zombies Hand to Hand check required: (2 [color=fff200]yellow[/color] vs 2 [color=662d91]purple[/color]) = [u]st[/u] = Success with a triumph --------------- With a flash of lightning, twang of a bow, thud of a mace, and a roundhouse-kick finisher; the zombies where struck down and now lay on the floor motionless. Though not satisfied by the bludgeoning, Ka-Vara knew his next strike would ring more true (next One-handed check he gains 1 extra yellow). After a moment of silence the voice come down onto them from above. "Not the common rabble I see... I am going to need your flesh to replenish the bodies you ruined. Come up then heroes, I have something for you..." Qa'Ra looked up and growled as he looked up and straightened his steel knuckles.