One demon fell as it's head was cut off, but the charmed mercenaries showed no fear, or any other emotions for that matter. Before his demon the demon shouted one order, an order that the mercenaries would mindlessly follow: "Kill them all!" Eve after it's death the remaining three mercenaries had their longswords out and chased after Regina. They would chase her and slash at her, and even if she used her knives to cut off their limbs they wouldn't so much as scream thanks to the enchantment put on them. The other demon was getting quite annoyed at Sigfried's persistence and loathed to have to use so many spells so soon. But his survival depended on it. Before Sigfried could catch up to him the demon casted another spell which made it grow wings, allowing the creature to take flight. Still invisible the demon flew high into the air, at least fifty feet up before turning towards Sigfried. "Filthy mortal! You will burn in hell!" It shouted as it created a large fire ball in it's hand. Orchid would have tried to shoot it if she knew where it was at, because not only was the demon invisible to her, but also it's fire ball. Because she couldn't fight the invisible demon effectively, she instead fired two arrows at the charmed mercenaries chasing after Regina. [@Belwicket][@KazeXDZ]