[img]http://i.imgur.com/mlKxfjS.jpg[/img] [h3][color=lightgreen]TEAM BROCCOLI[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]"I'll tell you in a couple of hours"[/color] Andica replied darkly, giving Samieh her best quelling glare, and hoping she's get the message to drop that subject faster than a piping hot head of broccoli [color=00a651]"Anyway, I'm just glad we'll be off now, finally getting into the journey. Speaking of which..."[/color] She turned back to Sharie. [color=00a651]"Hey goggles, think you can lead the Brave Broccolis?"[/color] [@Crimson Raven] [@Damiann47] [@Jay Kalton] [@Magnato]