'In the merry month o' June from me home I started, left the girls o' Tuam a nearly broken hearted. Saluted me father dear, kissed me darling mother. Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother...' Ryan sang quietly to himself and blew another plume of smoke into the air. That was about when Peggy Little started introducing herself and after a moment of silence he threw his head back and started laughing like a lunatic, deep guffaws that had him rolling around on the ceiling with his hands wrapped around his middle. "Oh, Gods." He wiped a tear from his eye and favored the awkward girl-thing with a beaming smile. "That's got ta be one o' tha greatest tings I've heard all day. I think we're gonna be really good friends little one." He sat up and a second later was suddenly falling from his spot until he came to an abrupt stop and inch from the ground. A moment later he dropped the rest of the way and landed lightly on the floor, boots making almost no sound whatsoever. "So I introduced meself outside but might as well do it again. Ryan to me friends, Singularity in tha field. I'm sure ye can guess me powers based on tha name and ifn ye can't, well..." he smirked and winked at the group as a whole. "It'll be a fun surprise fer ye once ye do figure it out."