Cora started smiling at the fact that she wasn't alone in her ability to destroy literally everything but didn't want to, but her smile was dashed the second Batman began to speak. Cora looked away to try and hide her embarrassment. "This was not a social visit. This is Cora, since we're doing proper introductions. Better known for her recent battle with Doctor Fate. You may have noted the collar and face plates. They are for your safety as well as her own. The League and your leader have remotes for the collar and plates should they need to be activated. Removal of either is punishable by expulsion. Cora, except in the scope of missions cannot be allowed into the world at large. She is confined to the cave. Any questions?" Cora quietly moved away from him, hoping that distance would somehow dull the backlash. There would be questions, of course. Probing questions that she couldn't lie about and that she really wished she didn't have to answer. Even still, she'd killed a person, even if it was in self-defence how far would she go in that state? How much humanity could she lose? "He forgot to mention that I become a demon when I get angry... haha, it's so much fun..." Cora mumbled from where she was, anxiety on her face.