Louisa watched as the entire introduction process began anew. She also watched as, Peggy snuck around the group and began exploring the base. Louisa almost moved to stop her, but realized it was neither her place or her responsibility to stop what was seemingly a girl around her own age from wandering around somewhere they had been invited to. She began scanning people, seeing who she would and wouldn't work well with. The first thing she realized was how young everyone was. When they said [i]Young[/i] Justice she thought it meant people around her age, not 14 year olds. That is with the exception of the hairy Irishman, currently stinking up the place with his cigarette. She disliked 'Ryan' already. He was far too cocky for her tastes, like some sort of bad stand up comic. She almost punched him when he laughed at, Peggy, who seemed to be making the best of her situation. Speaking of Peggy, Louisa's opinion of her was surprisingly positive. She seemed naive, not dumb in the least, but inexperienced. Plus, Lousia had always wanted a robot friend since she saw [i]The Iron Giant[/i] as a child. Louisa was a bit surprised when, Fang was made leader. He didn't look like the leader type, but he seemed to have an air of charisma about him and if Batman had chosen him especially then she supposed she could have faith in his ability. The Russian was...interesting to say the least. He was wearing full winter gear even though it was a rather hot day. He seemed polite enough, if a bit out of place. Kimberly and Conner seemed to be each others foil. While Conner looked to be reserved and cautious, Kimberly looked to be adventurous and boisterous. There wasn't much to be said about, Seamus. He hadn't said much since arriving, and he didn't have any indication about him as to what his power was, but then, neither did Louisa. Louisa had an almost automatic dislike towards, Lex. She knew it wasn't good to have such a bias, and that he must have been somewhat different from his predecessor if he was accepted onto the team, but to Louisa a clone of a super villain was as prone to villainy as the original copy. Louisa had very little to say about, Cora, until Batman began talking. She suddenly retreated into herself, embarrassed about something she couldn't possibly have helped. Louisa felt a degree of sorrow rush over her, moreso when Batman mentioned how she wasn't allowed into the outside world. Louisa stared at Cora for a moment before speaking up. [color=a2d39c]"Why exactly is, Cora not allowed into the outside world if the collar can stop her from turning into the.."[/color] She paused, thinking about her words. [color=a2d39c]"Well from turning."[/color] She decided upon, thinking it would be better not to name the affliction. [color=a2d39c]"Surely she could be let out of the cave at least some of the time? It can't do her any good to be locked up in here all of the time."[/color] She argued, giving a small smile to Cora before staring back at the Batman.