Watching the spectacle brought mixed feelings, once he knew what to look for. Seeing old friends and rivals reunite brought back memories of his own kin, who had largely secluded themselves from the world (they were not all quite so social as he was, or so fond of humans.) It was nostalgic, and neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Beyond that, it confirmed his suspicions. Something was going to happen here, for better or worse. For someone who spent many hundreds of years studying the Greek pantheon at their prime, it was clear to him what he was witnessing. It was Hermes who had been waiting for everyone here. A suitable position for a messenger, though there was probably something more to the fact that he had been here before anybody. Apollo had come, as one of the most revered deities at the time, he would have felt the pull quite strongly. He was also in a similar standing to Enki himself, so Edgar felt a small amount of solidarity towards him. How mortal life had changed him, however, Edgar did not know. It would simply remain to be seen. Off to the side was Aphrodite and Hekate, a rivalry that must be quite bitter. Still, they approached on friendly enough terms... women were truly a mystery. Edgar could see traces of their power within them. Flashes, perceptions of their former glory, their divine forms. It made sense that this was a power spot for them, he had occasionally paid visit to some of his own power spots in the past, but it was too late for him now. Those spots held very little of his old prestige, and his mortality had brought new meaning to his life that was missing in the old days. He had taken stock of the situation. Several deities, all Greek, had gathered here. None of his peers were to be seen, but that was natural. Which meant that his lot was to be thrown in with the younger folk. As the apparent leader, and perhaps the only person who knew what was going on, he made very deliberate eye contact with Hermes. Not wanting to interrupt his greetings with old friends, it was simply a way for Edgar to establish himself on the scene if he had not been noticed. He would join in when it was appropriate, it didn't need to be any sooner than that.