[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [@BlackPanther][@KatherinWinter][@DaredevilSpider][@HaleyTheRandom] [color=6ecff6]Oh? He wants soldiers, then let's give him a war.[/color] [color=f7941d][i]Without any further thought or warning, I stand up and grabbing the back of my chair with one hand I spin behind Blue's chair, slinging mine out behind me towards one of the closer guards, before grabbing Blue's chair with both hands and preparing to launch it at the next nearest guard, hoping she'd make the most of the opportunity by attacking one of the guards. I'm now crouched behind blue's chair, tipping it towards me slightly, ready to throw it with my whole body, and simultaneously shielded from most of the guards by the rest of the group.[/i][/color]