Figuring that it'd take a while for his test to come, Atticus just leaned up against a wall once more, netting his fingers and holding his hands behind his neck. Humming softly to himself, he just started people-watching. Not like he had anything else to die, aside from memorize the shape of bird shit on his uniform. Rhythmically tapping his foot, he just sorta watched people do their things. Looked like a few out candy. Or something. Not wanting to be a creep, he let the sleeping dogs with candy in their mouths lie, and started watching a guy with sunglasses on...for some reason pace around. Guy looked tense for some reason. Maybe he was just scared of the test? They said there'd be a blood test, right? Oh god...needles. A chill went up Atticus' spine, but he figured that socializing was better than humming to himself like a weirdo. Approaching the now-not-pacing-sunglasses-guy, he asked: [color=00aeef][b]"So, nervous about this test thing too?[/b][/color] not really looking the guy in the eye. Well, glasses.