[center] [img] http://www.efoto.lt/files/images/23821/in_light.JPG [/img] [/center] A volley of bullets slammed into the creature, erupting in a grisly explosion of dark blood as they barrelled into its flesh. A barrage of plasma roared through the air, smashing into its legs, and knocking it to the ground with a distinct ‘[b]CRASH[/b]!’. A grenade wormed its way into it’s elbow joint, and the detonation which followed left only a withered stump, burning and leaking, in place of its hooked-hand. A burst of hot slag smashed into its crooked leg, slicing through steel and flesh like scissors through paper. The creature let out a sharp wheeze, pulling its limp body across the tunnel floor, as a trail of hot blood seeped out of the fresh holes in its wound-ridden body. Zharrus knew that a craving for essence could do horrendous things to a man, but he’d never seen anything like this before. His black eyes gazed down into the creature’s fiery pupils as it slid forwards, and he realized that whatever man had once lurked inside this steely husk was long gone. Its limp jaw flopped open, and a raspy clicking noise slipped free from its throat. [color=662d91][i][b]'Hehahaheehaheheheahah...' [/b][/i][/color] [i]It's laughing at us.[/i] The creature’s single remaining arm slid down to its chest, tearing away one of the metal panels which was fused to its grey flesh. The dim tunnel lights flickered, and Zharrus caught a brief glimpse of the belt of explosives which were woven into its skin. “[b]GET BACK[/b]!” He roared, but it was too late. [center] [h1] [color=ed1c24][b]BOOM![/b][/color] [/h1] [/center] Fire flooded the air, as the train tunnel shook and jolted. Huge lumps of debris fell free from the ceiling, barrelling down into the ground and burying themselves into the floor. The sheer force of the detonation sent Zhaarus flying back through the air, fire lapping at his flesh whilst the air around him crackled and burned. A wave of agonising heat drenched the tunnel, biting and gnawing at the group with searing gusto. By the time the smoke cleared, Zhaarus was lying on his back, surrounded by rubble and limp corpses.