He couldn't see what had happened after it fell. The only thing he felt was relief, he was about to fight a nigh indestructible being with a knife. Then heat, a blinding light and a deafening boom. It was so bright that everything faded to white, the heat was so hot he could feel his blood boil under his skin, the sound so loud that his bones rattled. Flames licking at his body. Toying with the idea of eating the tasty moral before them. Before the flames could consume him the shock wave hit, he was flung far and fast from the epicenter. He flew like a rag doll his body tumbling across the tunnel, he smashed against a wall. His world went black and his head fell forwards. He blinked, awake. Dust was still settling, he hadn't been out long. Attempting to get to his feet was possible, his old friend had saved his life again. His armor was drained of power, a joint in the knee and shoulder seemed to have been fused. He attempted to move again it only gave out a soft groan. All of his gear was gone now, nothing of his old life remained except himself. His heart hammered in his chest, nearly nothing compared to the heart break he felt at this point. Memories flooded him, people he served with now gone. His only tie with his family had been crippled. He relaxed and looked into the darkness the pain wouldn't fade, it tore at him and devoured his soul. Thousands of things rushed through his mind yet he couldn't come to move his free hand and release himself from the armor. It was only the first few hours and things had already changed drastically for him. If the mission were to continue like this, they may never reach the end. [b][i]"I had thought that when the armor failed me that it would be the day I died."[/i][/b] He thought painfully. After a moment he released himself and stood. His environment suit was burnt and torn, it was covered in blood. He stared in the gloom at the dark green armor, its dings and dents, the scorch marks. It all made up who he had been. His hand covered his stomach, he took a step away from it and his foot hit something metallic it skitted across the now dry ground. Reaching down his fingers wrapped around the grip of his pistol. "At least something remains." He spoke aloud. He had no clue if the others had survived, there was rubble almost sealing the tunnel. He had been across from the group and was now on the side with the exit. [b]"Anyone alive over there?"[/b] he spoke into the blackness. The air smelled of singed flesh, mold, blood, dust and a particularly gnarly metallic smell. His mind rolled over to a new thought. This was a worthy end for his former self. And this mission was a worthy end for his life, he'd regroup with his men in hell it seemed.