It was working, they were bringing this monster down! Angel even managed to fire another bolt of plasma, before the creature finally fell to the ground. She let a smile appear on her face, but in the next moment the creature tore off one of the metal panels on it's body to reveal the explosives underneath. Angel's eye twitched for a moment, she was too close! She had closed the distance so her plasma gun be more effective, but it turned out to be a bad idea after all.[color=6ecff6]” Ohh bloody hells!”[/color] She she whispered, before managing to do a single jump backwards. [color=ed1c24][b]BOOOOOOOOOOM [/b][/color] The explosion happened while she was in the air from the jump. The blast wave hit her hard and threw her backwards with great force. The next moment, she felt herself powerfully smashing against the tunnel walls. Then pieces of concrete and metal started hitting her. The heat was almost impossible to stand, it hurt to even breath! Then a few moments later she felt a piece of concrete fall on her leg. Every part of her body was already hurt to a degree from the slam into the wall, this surely broke her leg! She let out a painful scream through the dust cloud. Her ears were ringing, her head was spinning... she felt like she was going to die, but somehow that didn't happen yet. She laid on the ground among the pieces of metal, concrete and flesh. She had troubles staying awake... She was painfully crying while the dust was settling, but she couldn't really move. It was painful to even try. She feared no one survived this explosion, as for a while there was no sound(probably from the explosion turning her nearly unable to hear). If no one was left alive to help her, then it meant this was going to be her end after all. Broken among the rubble, as she slowly died. Her mind wandered to that dream of hers. The small repair shop on a sunny planet. At least she was going to die with something beautiful in mind! Then as her hearing began returning, she heard a voice. At first she thought it was an illusion created by her mind, but no! There really was someone alive! [color=6ecff6] “Help!!! Please!!! I can't move!”[/color] She tried to shout, but the voice that left her mouth was a lot weaker than what she wanted. Using the fact her artificial arm was a lot more durable and survived the crash intact, she took a small piece of concrete and began hitting a big chuck of rubble next to her to give her position.[color=6ecff6]” Here!”[/color] She let out another call of help.