[b]Name:[/b] Victor [b]Alias:[/b] Does not have one yet, since he has recently arrived in the U.S., Media can choose one for him. (Meaning Gm and other players.) [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Victor is 7'4", and weighs about 289 lbs. His skin has a tan color. He has brown eyes that almost look black. Victor has salt and pepper hair cut extremely short to where you can see his scalp. Victor has scars all over his body, some small and others large. He is fairly muscular, but not overly so. [b]Personality:[/b] Victor likes to help others and feels that it is his duty to protect those that are weaker than him. He is willing to give his life if it means saving only one person. He is very loyal to his friends. Although Victor is out of touch with society, he tries to do his best. In some ways, Victor is very innocent. Think of Victor in some ways as a giant teddy bear. [b]Gear:[/b] N/A [b]Power/ability:[/b] Above average regeneration. (Not Superhuman Levels; also only when he is at his normal size.) Variation of Size Manipulation- At 25%: Victor can increase his size up to about half of his current max size, see at 50%. Gains strength and durability that is above average for humans. Increase of strength and durability is proportional to size. At 50%: Victor's size increases from between half of max size up to roughly 475 ft. Gains superhuman strength and durability. At 75%: Victor's size is roughly the same as at 25%, but has superhuman strength, stamina and durability. At 100%: Victor's size is back to normal size, but has superhuman strength, stamina and durability. [b]Weakness:[/b] Victor can only increase his size. There are different side-effects based on percentage of power used. At 25%, there is no side-effects. At 50%, he tends to need to consume a large amount of food, and some rest. At 75%, Victor will need several days of rest. At 100%, he will need at least one and a half weeks of rest. If 100% is used for an extended amount of time, Victor may suffer permanent damage to his body, and be crippled for the rest of his life; or even death. [b]Bio:[/b] Victor was not born in the United States of America or even the Western Hemisphere. Victor had his power since birth, and he had little control of his power when he was young. He accidentally killed his entire class when he was six. After that he no longer had any contact with society. By the time Victor was ten his power was no longer a problem for him. Skip to recent times, Victor arrived in the U.S. about a month ago. Since arriving, he has caught the eye of the media by stopping crimes, or protecting citizens while “Supers” are fighting. (Sorry about the Bio being vague, but his backstory will be revealed more as the rp goes on.) [b]Notes:[/b] Victor is color blind, and half deaf in his right ear. Victor is not fluent in English, and is unable to write in it. Victor tends to not use his power because his clothes get destroyed.