[center][color=#708574][h2]【[u][b]Dornae Namari[/b] - [i]The Luckless Enchanter[/i][/u]】[/h2][/color]【[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMVyw-7avI]Theme I[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_GOmMZRPEo]Theme II[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMrmnB2LjjM]Theme III[/url]】[/center][hr] Surprised at Jamie's response, Dornae sort of just stared at the guildmaster. That was it? He just had to ask to join and they'd let him in. Go get him a guild mark and he'd be with a Guild suddenly. There weren't processes or forms or tests he had to fill out, people he had to impress. Not to mention that Phoenix Wing was a well known Guild, almost respected in a society where people had a general distrust for magic. His mouth opened, but he closed it again, screwing his brow up in thought. Did he really [i]want[/i] to join Phoenix Wing, or was it entirely a joke. Wasn't this too convenient? Then he decided to ignore all of that because this was a stroke of good fortune, something he rarely received. As such he smiled, a bit awkwardly, and replied with a simple, [color=#708574][b]"Well, um...sure. Didn't expect it was that simple. I'll come back with you, probably be better that way."[/b][/color] He glanced back at Mithera, his eyes not even bothering to stop on Ferrin or Valak, he was quite done with the pair. [color=#708574][b]"Tell you what, getting your clothes wasn't so troublesome. Consider yourself debt free,"[/b][/color] he smiled as he said it, [color=#708574][b]"...however, I don't think I'll be able to get that meat for you. Apologies on that account."[/b][/color] With that said he began carving sigils into his dagger, channeling magic through it as he did so, before he sheathed it and set it to activate via a flux of energy. He looked to Jamie and said, [color=#708574][b]"Lead on."[/b][/color] With that, he was under the care of Phoenix Wing's master and hopefully this would help him disassociate himself with the two troublemakers that he'd had the misfortune of running in to. [@Burthstone], [@Crimson Raven], [@Caits], [@BrodZ11711].