[h2]Primal Boy[/h2] Red chuckled a little embarrassed at his messy entrance when the Russian boy replied to his greetings and continued to smile at him. He then watched as the boy named Seamus uttered words that Red couldn't understand and a couple of seconds later his clothes were clean. Red's eyes went a little wide as he looked himself over and found that he was now clean, it was some strange power and he didn't what it was. "Wow! That's cool! Oh and don't worry about the blood it wasn't mine" he said with reassuring tone to his voice to make sure that none of teammates were worried about him. When Chris mentioned him being among the last two arrivals he scratched his head with cheerful smile trying to hide his slight embarrassment at being late. Then three more people showed up, but they looked to be holder than everyone else and one of them was green and didn't look like a normal human, none the less he would call her Green Lady if he couldn't remember her name. He listened to them introduce themselves and Red found that he didn't recognize any of their names. Besides Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Green Arrow and Animal Man, most of the other heroes' names just went over his head. It was somewhat of a feat for him to remember these three's names if they didn't tell it to him a lot. His excitement rose when he heard the word train spoken by the green girl and he flexed his muscles preparation for an intense workout. "I'm totally ready for this! When do we start?" he asked totally pumped up to start some backbreaking exorcises. [h2]Plutonium[/h2] Alexandrovich was curious about the new arrival Seamus after watching him say a few words he didn't understand and then made Red's clothes become cleaned of the blood. It looked like some kind of supernatural power. After Red finished praising his teammate he walked over to Seamus to ask him a question. "How did you do that?" he asked curious to find out.