Ryan frowned as people interacted around him. New arrivals showed up, some with rather interesting entrances. Bats left. And through all of it he couldn't shake the impression that people thought that he had been making fun of Peggy Little when he'd laughed earlier. "But... I jest thought she was cute, stumblin' all over herself like tha'." He frowned again and fell into a slight sulk, arms crossed over his chest with his cigarette dangling loosely from his lips. A moment later the Zeta beam transporter activated and three new people walked out as calmly as if they'd walked from one room into another. He wasn't positive if he could walk so calmly after having his molecules scrambled and transported over vast distances like that. But then again, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash had sure had plenty of practice if the stories were to be believed. When Superboy mentioned training a feral grin stretched his lips and he cracked his knuckles as he made his way over to the krypton Ian clone. Beating the snot out of something was just what the doctor ordered to restore his good mood. "Sir, yes Sir!" He barked as he stood at attention before Superboy and snapped off a crisp salute. "Singularity, reporting for training, Sir!" The professional appearance he attempted to deliver was ruined by his well worn clothes and the thin stream of cigarette smoke swirling around his head.