[b]Name:[/b] Grimlock [img]http://images.g4tv.com/ImageDb3/289416_LGST/transformers-fall-of-cybertron.png[/img] [url=http://gamingtrend.com/wp-content/screenshots/transformers-fall-of-cybertron/transformers-foc-grimlock-full-dino-form_2.jpg]Dinosaur[/url] [url=https://assets.vg247.com/current//2012/08/3857Transformers-Fall-of-Cybertron-_Grimlock-with-shield_7.jpg]Robot[/url] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Species:[/b] Cybertronian (Dinobot) [b]Gender:[/b] Probably male [b]Personality:[/b] Grimlock is not your typical Autobot. Some even believe that his personality is much more befitting of a Decepticon. His brutality appears to actually put some Decepticons to shame, appearing to revel in the utter annihilation of all who stand in his way. On top of that, but his ego leads him to become insubordinate, questioning Optimus' more peaceful thinking. While he tends to be very vocal about his dislike of the Autobot leader, he does agree with the prime on certain issues. Notably, he hates bullies, and all those who abuse their power. While he holds a personal hatred towards the Deepticons, he still will go out of his way to protect innocents. So although he may not seem very Autobot, he's far from being a Decepticon. After being captured by Shockwave, he seems to have lost the ability to control his anger, giving his already hairs-trigger temper a much [i]unneeded[/i] boost. He actively hates the Decepticon scientist, and even the mention of his or the Insecticons names can be enough to send him into a violent outburst. Another snapping point is his team, as threatening them could lead to the aggressor being dismembered. While Shockwave's programming was supposed to have made him unintelligent, Grimlock has managed to over come that. Thoughts and sentences that would have once been easy to say and think are now extremely difficult for him. This can lead some to believe that he is nothing more than a simple berserker. However, any who accept this idea are doing so at their own risk. His mind is still very much dangerous, at least as far as the total destruction of his enemies. [b]Bio: [/b][url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Grimlock_(WFC)#Transformers:_Fall_of_Cybertron]Link to here[/url] [b]Abilities: [/b]Grimlock can transform into a giant, fire breathing Tyrannosaurus. Often times he loses control when in this form, and has trouble distinguishing between friend and foe. When in his humanoid form, he is incredibly strong, pushing over large and heavy objects many times his size. While he does not have any ranged weaponry, Grimlock is equipped with a massive Energy sword. Almost as large as he is, and capable of cutting through anything or anyone he needs to, it makes him an unstoppable killing machine. [url=http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1631233/Transformers_Fall_of_Cybertron_-_Concept_Art_Grimlock-_SwordShield_555.jpeg]Paired with his sword[/url], he also relies on a large Energy shield, which he can use to bash enemies who get too close or block large debris. If his shield fails, his armor is more than enough to block many attacks. For cowards hiding at a longer range, Grimlock often resorts to throwing large objects, usually at such a velocity as to utterly destroy the target. [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Transformers (Fall of Cybertron Game) [b]Other:[/b] Grimlock is approximately 40 ft tall in humanoid form [center]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [hider=Starscream][center] [i]"Megatron will rue the day he made a fool of me!"[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8DOj5bah.jpg[/img] [b][h1]Starscream[/h1][/b] [b][h3]Age[/h3][/b] Unknown, probably thousands of years [b][h3]Species[/h3][/b] Cybertronian (AKA Transformer) [b][h3]Gender[/h3][/b] Male [b][h3]Personality[/h3][/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheStarscream]The Starscream.[/url] [b][h3]Bio[/h3][/b] [hider=Character History provided by TFWiki (long)]For the last thousand years of the Great War, Starscream was in charge of an orbital facility that had the capability of producing Dark Energon, though they maintained only a small stockpile because of its unpredictable and uncontrollable nature. The station's force of neutral soldiers were no match for Megatron's invading forces, while Starscream and Jetfire's repeated warnings that no one could control Dark Energon had no effect on Megatron's determination. Instead, Megatron tempted Starscream with knowledge of his past, reminding him of his demotion from Sky Commander to a mere guard over an all-but-derelict station, and offered to let him join the Decepticons, something Starscream scoffed at — at least, at first. Starscream attempted to destroy the station's stock of Dark Energon before the Decepticon leader could reach it, but failed, and watched, first with amusement as Megatron entered the storage chamber...and then with shock as Megatron infused himself with the substance and bent it to his will within moments. Starscream quickly volunteered his services for the Decepticon cause, causing Jetfire to label him a traitor and leave to warn Zeta Prime. Megatron sent him with Thundercracker and Skywarp to Cybertron to reactivate the Energon Bridge. Starscream performed the mission successfully using his trademark style, flair, and modesty, never mind Megatron's taunting and unreasonable impatience, or Thundercracker's warning him of the danger of certain courses of action, or even Skywarp's cluing in to his constant insults. During the Battle of Iacon City, Starscream led the Decepticons aerial squadrons and Brawl led the Decepticons' ground assault, while Megatron, Soundwave, and Breakdown went behind enemy lines and tried to secure the Omega Key. When Megatron's group met up with Brawl, Starscream refused to send Dark Energon bombers, saying that he wouldn't let Brawl waste anymore of "his ships". Megatron took issue with Starscream dubbing the bombers his, and overrode Starscream's refusal. Later that evening, while looking for the "real" Omega Key, they ran into it: Omega Supreme. Starscream assumed Megatron was killed when Omega attacked a dropship Megatron was heading for and declared himself Decepticon commander. Shortly afterward, Megatron managed to communicate with Starscream and ordered him to attack Omega Supreme, getting the massive Autobot off Megatron's back. By the time Megatron's group were heading for the Autobot turrets, Starscream was ready to sound a retreat, which Megatron overrode with the threat of marking any retreating Decepticon as "kill on sight". Fortunately, Megatron arrived moments later and managed to defeat Omega Supreme, making the retreat unnecessary. Later on, he was present at the Core of Cybertron as Megatron corrupted it with Dark Energon. As the Battle of Iacon continued, Starscream fought through Jetfire and Silverbolt, and attacked Optimus's group in the Decagon. However, the Air Commander was injured by Optimus's Energon-axe and forced to retreat. The wound was apparently bad enough to cause him to sit out the remainder of the conflict. Under Megatron's orders, Starscream and the Combaticons ambushed and captured Optimus Prime under the ruins of Iacon during the assault on the Ark. Starscream's gloating on how he defeated Megatron's nemesis would earn him a blast from the Decepticon's leader's fusion cannon. Starscream's luck would take an uphill turn, however, for Megatron was soon crushed by Metroplex, leaving him the new leader of the Decepticons. At the urging of both Prime and Metroplex, Starscream ordered the Decepticons to retreat. Starscream's reign as a leader was lackluster at best. He used most of the Decepticon energon and supplies to further his own ego and cover the Decepticon bases with portraits and effigies of himself and constantly broadcasting self glorifying speeches to his troops. Anyone who wasn't on board with Starscream's reign was thrown into the prisons of Kaon. Needless to say, the prisons were full to bursting as barely a handful of Decepticons had any faith in their new leader. When the Autobots acquired the entire energon supply the Decepticons kept in the Sea of Rust. Starscream sent the Combaticons to stop the transport. When the transport was out in the open, Starscream ordered an assault on it, despite the fact the anti-aircraft guns were still functional. As the Decepticons suffered heavy losses, Starscream aborted the mission and ordered a full retreat. The Combaticons ignored the order and brought the transport down, at the cost of half the energon on board. Despite the fact that the Combaticons had saved the mission he had abandoned, Starscream accused them of failing and had them arrested. Later, Starscream decided to have a coronation for himself (despite the fact he had been in charge for some time now). Though sadly it was not to be, as a newly rebuilt Megatron crashed the event and took his crown back from the would-be king, much to everyone else's elation. Luckily, the Air Commander escaped Megatron's wrath, swearing revenge. Seeking the means to get back at Megatron, Starscream made his way to Shockwave's lab. He came across Grimlock and promised to free him and his team if they would serve him. The Dinobot kindly refused the offer by throwing him into the control panel, freeing himself. This apparently knocked Starscream out as he didn't get back up. What happened to him afterwords is unknown, since most of Decepticons that might have arrested him were cut to pieces by Grimlock. Fall of Cybertron [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Starscream_(WFC)#War_for_Cybertron]Source[/url][/hider] After reawakening from his state of disrepair, Starscream quickly realized he was no longer on Cybertron. Unaware he had been transferred to another world, he was caught very much off guard when he first noticed the organic life around him. [b][h3]Abilities[/h3][/b] [hider=Weaponry] Starscreams primary armament when in his true form consist of three of his favorite weapons. His signature weapon is his [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Null-ray#Transformers:_War_for_Cybertron]Null Ray[/url], which shoots a beam that disables any form of technology it encounters. He also is armed with a [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Neutron_assault_rifle#Fall_of_Cybertron]Neutron assault rifle[/url], and a [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Thermo_Rocket_Cannon]Thermo Rocket Cannon[/url]. He also carries around EMP Charges, EMP stun Grenades, Explosive charges, and a limited supply of [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dark_Energon#Transformers:_War_for_Cybertron]Dark Energon charges[/url]. His vehicular jet form is armed with homing rockets and a heavy caliber rapid-fire cannon. [/hider] [Hider=Abilities] Starscream, like all Cybertronians, can alternate between his humanoid form, and a vehicular form of his choosing. Transforming into an alien jet, he is well known as one of the most dangerous Aces on Cybertron. When in his true form, he can activate jet boosters in his feet, allowing him to fly or hover in the air. They also allow him to boost around the battlefield, dodging attacks that might otherwise hit him. When brute force isn't an option, he often enjoys using his experimental cloaking device. This new technology allows him to become almost invisible, only a slight outline of him is visible in the right conditions. While a powerful tool, this experimental device can only remain active for a short while, and it tends to fail when he activates his weaponry. It also cannot hide his energy signature, nor his voice. This is a problem for Starscream, as he enjoys taunting his opponents.[/hider] [b][h3]Universe of Origin[/h3][/b] Transformers: War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykYGOiVDlQs]All shall fall before him![/url] [/center] [/hider] [center]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [center][i]"I find your reply to be ... logical."[/i] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9o5d6WYdK1qcrr5qo1_r2_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Shockwave [b]Age:[/b] Thousands of years [b]Species:[/b] Cybertronian/Transformer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [quote=From TFWiki][Shockwave was a member of the scientist caste in the industrial city of Kaon. In a reversal of the usual order, he was swayed by the ambitions of the former mining caste member turned gladiator Megatron. Serving as Megatron's "pet mad scientist" and second-in-command, he saw to the fighter's armament during his rise to prominence, all the while fantasizing on the prospect of mass producing such warriors. Thankfully, Megatron's more practical nature reined in Shockwave as the movement which became the Decepticons finally moved out of the shadows. Shockwave naturally only serves his one true master: logic. He's willing to ignore petty squabbles and jabs at him, and will only do what he finds logical. Megatron is pleased by his dedication and his competence stemming from it, starkly contrasting with the egotistical and gloating Starscream. His passive nature to goings-on around him may paint him as apathetic, but whoever believes that is writing their death warrant. Shockwave is as brutal and fierce as any Decepticon warrior, and has the strength and durability to withstand everything from explosions to Autobot assault. He does not take well to attempts on his life or his experiments failing or being tampered with. Primus help you if you actually do break his seemingly eternal calm.[/quote] [b]Abilities:[/b] - Shockwave's primary armament is the large cannon permanently affixed to his arm. It is a very powerful weapon, comparable to Megatron's fusion cannon. - He transforms into [url=https://cdn.mirror.wiki/http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/7/7b/Rebellion-Shockwave.jpg]a tank[/url]. [url=http://30.media.tumblr.com/f24b1c826fd62519804a07cf757bc00b/tumblr_mkjfsbmJPU1qbgas1o1_r1_250.gif]It's cool[/url] - Science: Nothing is more powerful than his logical mind. He can [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esOEyG-HYYs]science the shit out of anything[/url]. - He is also a skilled mechanical/medical expert, performing complex surgeries on other Transformers [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Transformers (Prime) [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM4qFpHxFrk]He even has a theme[/url][/center]