[quote=@Wintergrey] [hider=Lil Ashbourne][hr][hr][center][color=00aeef][h1]Lil Ashbourne[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/04qhmgK.jpg[/img] [i]“You've got to hand it to us short people, usually cause we can't reach it.”[/i] -[b][i]Lil Ashbourne[/i][/b][hr][hr][/center][center][color=39b54a][h1][u]T H E B A S I C S [/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=00aeef]|Name|[/color] [indent]Lilian Alexandra Ashbourne[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Nickname|[/color] [indent]Lil. She likes this nickname because it is a representation of her name and her height in one.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Birth Date|[/color] [indent]04/12/98[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Age|[/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Gender|[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Sexuality|[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Sexually Active|[/color] [indent]Um... Yes, definitely yes.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Relationship Status|[/color] [indent]Actively looking.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Role|[/color] [indent]Team Leader[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Team Color|[/color] [indent][color=39b54a]Team Green[/color][/indent][hr][hr][center][color=39b54a][h1][u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=00aeef]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] [indent]The most predominant feature about Lil is her height. She is tiny, only standing 5'2". Unlike most people Lil loves being short, utilizing it to make her look innocent. While fit, she would never be described as athletic or muscular. Her stomach is flat, but it is doubtful she could manage a single pullup. Besides her height she is proud of the curvy assets of her body. As for Lil's face, she has long bright red hair that stands out with her incredibly pale complexion. When wet, her hair reaches down to her lower back. Her nose is small and slightly tilted up. Splattered lightly across her nose and cheeks are pale freckles. Her eyes are bright blue, always opened wide and innocent looking.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Clothing Style|[/color] [indent]Lil's favorite type of weather is the cold. Winter and fall are the best. It is the perfect time for borrowing giant hoodies from boys to compliment her tiny stature. However, as it is summer and it is mostly hot she wears a lot of shorts and tank tops. When she goes on hikes she switches into jeans to prevent getting stickers in her socks. Just in case, Lil did pack some of her cold weather clothes. She hopes that at some of the parties, that she definitely will be attending, and late night activities it will be cold enough for her to wear them. Lil loves to wear blue. It is her favorite color and immediately makes her happy when she wears it. This often confuses people because they think she is a part of the blue team, when she really is a part of the green.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] [indent]Lil's only scar is a small cut through her eyebrow that she got when she ran through the sliding glass door. As for piercings she has several in both ears. The left ear has four and the right has two. She also has a piercing going through her belly button. Besides that, she isn't interested in getting any more piercings. She is waiting to be a bit older before giving herself a tattoo because she wants to make sure she doesn't regret it later.[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=39b54a][h1][u]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=00aeef]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Being short [color=008800]✔[/color]Cuddling [color=008800]✔[/color]Cold nights [color=008800]✔[/color]Big sweaters [color=008800]✔[/color]Flirting [color=008800]✔[/color]The color blue [color=008800]✔[/color]Going to parties [color=008800]✔[/color]Scary movies [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Working out [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Party poopers [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Being alone [color=FF0000]✘[/color]The heat [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Long periods of physical activities [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Team Grey [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Onions [/indent] [color=00aeef]|Hobbies|[/color] [indent]1. Going to parties. Whether she's throwing them or showing up, you can count on her to be a tiny bundle of excitement and fun. 2. Flirting. 3. Listening to music that's upbeat.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Habits|[/color] [indent]1. Tucking her hair behind her left ear. 2. Drumming her fingers when there is nothing to do. 3. Rambling.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Fears|[/color] [indent][color=000000]☠[/color]Being alone. [color=000000]☠[/color]Not being liked. [color=000000]☠[/color]Tight spaces. [color=000000]☠[/color]Spiders.[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=39b54a][h1][u]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=00aeef]|Personality|[/color] [center][u]♦ Insecure ♦ Happy ♦ Bubbly ♦ Excited ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Lil is one of the happiest people you will ever meet. She is the life of a party, and can always be expected to show up to one. Lil loves to mess with people and crack jokes, often at other's expense. Overall she is great at seeming to be happy. On a deeper level, Lil is never really happy. She is scared of being by herself, so she walks around with a big smile and makes others laugh. She hopes desperately that by doing that people will want to be with her so she won't be alone.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|Place of Origin|[/color] [indent]Marin, California.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|History|[/color] [indent]Lil was born the only child into a happy family. Her mother and father were deeply in love and everything seemed like it was going great. That was until, Lil's second birthday. Her mother was driving home from work, hoping she wouldn't be late for her brilliant daughter's party. Only a few minutes from home, a driver in front of her lost control and tumbled their car. Lil's mother swerved to avoid the car and ran into a phone post. She was thrown from the car, killed on impact. Having never really knew her mother, Lil grew up feeling like she was always missing something. Her father was still kind and happy, but there was always a hidden sadness to him that seemed to rub off onto her. Still the two of them grew up to depend on each other. They became best friends, as her father was just like her, bubbly and excited, when he wasn't thinking about her mother. When Lil turned fourteen, her father sent her to summer camp. He thought it would be a good experience for her as he always loved camping when he was younger. He also secretly thought it might make her a little less lonely if she stuck around people during the summer. At first she was hesitant but she quickly fell in love with the experience and went back every year since. Last year when she was seventeen she became the group leader of team green. [/indent] [color=00aeef]|Extra|[/color] [indent]bonfires are the best part of summer, hands down.[/inder] [color=00aeef]|Theme Song|[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRV28RBwf6k]Migraine – Twenty One Pilots[/url] [sub]”Am I the only one I know Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat”[/sub][/indent][/hider] [/quote] Nice but maybe you can elaborate a bit more on her personality, a bit? Like why is she the life of the party? Yeah, she likes to make others laugh and crack jokes but is that the only reason why she is the life of the party? Why is she so afraid of being alone? Just elaborate a bit more, please and I'll accept her.