Name: Cody 'Storm' Rennie Age: 1st Year How your char looks:[img] [/img] Cody tends to act selfishly and is borderline arrogant when facing his opponents due to the amount of self-confidence he has in abilities. Due to this he also gets incredibly frustrated when things don't go his way and is easily angered. His selfish behaviour tends to lose him more friends then he makes. He has a free-flowing attitude and is quite childish, often playing pranks on random civilians. He also hates to lose and will do anything to insure he doesn't. History: Having been raised in an orphanage for most of his life, he grew up listening to stories about heroes defeating evil beings and as such his dream is be like the heroes he has read about. (Too lazy to do a detailed history, but I can elaborate further) What your dream is: To become the hero and defeat the demon king What kind of magic your char has: Weather Manipulation Also this seems eerily familiar this whole's based off an anime but I can't remember what >_< Also I assume there are dorms?