[img]https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11174862_827914103962319_4816590534850717198_n.jpg?oh=5724b8e1836fc37d79b8b64d64eb7f85&oe=56B5EDA6[/img] Name: Sean Miller Age 15-18: 18 One item (no weapons): Letter from his deceased girlfriend Past or fear: Sean grew in a bad neighbourhood, he used to get into fights almost everyday when he met his girlfriend, Jane Belcher,at the age of 15, thats when things started to get really bad, they started to get into illegal motorcycles races with only 16, sell drugs to classmates and even robbed a market once, the police got the wrong people into jail. One night the couple was riding their stolen motorcycle at high speed when crashed against a car, Sean just got a few scratches but Jane fell in a coma for weeks due to the injuries. With the time Sean started to think it would be better to have her dead instead of seeing her like that, until one day he took a pillow and suffocated her. No one suspected he killed her but he obviously felt guilty, trying to forget about this chapter of his life he strated to study really hard, day and night and even changed of city and school, thinking he could have a normal life but one day he got a letter saying they should meet in they city the couple always wanted to visit, Silent Hill, of course he never told anyone this was his reaso to join the trip.