Thank you [@Transience] and it's nice to finally meet and hear from you (no sarcasm intended. It really is a pleasure) haha. I have one further question regarding realms because it is very much tied into my character's abilities and the whole [i]idea[/i], [@Tuujaimaa], [@Celaira], and I have been fostering with our Triumvirate. We are set to fight a...[i]being[/i], which we have yet to name. For the moment let's call it Lazarus. Lazarus is capable of ressurecting and has done so many times. This being was ultimately defeated by our three heroes. How does this relate to realms? Well, my character, Lyrsaeyn Dryeir, we'll call him Lyr for short, is...well, he's a spirit/mind mage. He is capable of seeing a realm I have come to refer to as the Vale. The Vale is occupying the same space as Ansus, but it is on a different [i]layer[/i]. It was meant to be a realm of energy and a realm of spirits. Spirits being a very inclusive term. Lyr is capable of viewing this realm better than he can the physical realm of Ansus. This means he sees peoples' souls, emotions and thoughts to a greater degree than he could see their physical manifestation. He can't read minds or perfectly understand someone's emotions in ALLL circumstances. I am laying down some clear limitations to his abilities despite him being a hero of legend. The point being that he can see and call upon spirits. This means elementals, this means poltergeists, this means the dead. His domain of power allows him to weave emotions and influence people's minds directly. However, his ability to effect the living is more subtle in terms of the mind (because the mind is a subtle thing and because while I enjoy using power as a characterization tool, I also feel these things must be balanced). His magic works on the principle of emotions and thoughts being a sort of energy, that there is indeed a soul, and that the Vale exists in some form. So I suppose the question is, are these things alright? Do they mess with your vision or that of others? Is the addition likely going to mess with those that have come before it? I don't want to step on any toes, neither do my two partners, so I thought I'd check with you about this when I got the chance. Now is that chance haha.