[@yoshua171] hello! And sorry I haven't been around for the period in which you found the RP and began to create your character. It is a pleasure to see somebody putting effort into creating something that will be of value to the game. Anyway, on to the question: So, instead of realms, I would consider this a question of whether there are different planes of existence in the world. The short answer to this, is, once more, a resounding [i]kind of[/i]. Ansus is a world much like our own in that there aren't necessarily different dimensional layers permeating the metauniverse, yet in turn this does not necessarily exclude the notion of a 'vale' that you propose for your character. There are technically three planes of existence in Starless: there is Ansus, the mortal realm; The Heavens, the realm in which the Gods reside, (said gods could traverse these planes as they saw fit, but only did so rarely.) and The Merkstave, which is the formless void 'below' existence, and this formless, primeval darkness is the depths from which our big-bad spawns. Not much is known about the Merkstave, but basically all the bad shit that ever happens is usually linked in some way to this realm. You may, then, be wondering what happens to poor souls who die in Ansus! The truth is that there is no real, direct answer to that question. I never specifically set out to ensure that there is a realm/dimension/plane dedicated to an afterlife or resting place for souls, but over the course of the RP it has become apparent through a collective account of characters returning from death that souls tend to reside literally amongst the stars once they pass from Ansus. This means that when something dies, it kind of gets cast off into space to fuel the universe as a being of essence rather than form. Particularly strong souls (Divine souls included) can form stars. This is where we get the Starless Night from, as it symbolises both the removal of the divine spirits, and the return of legendary heroes from times past. Now, i'm not sure how you would like to relate this to your character. The best way I can see of integrating him into the structure of Ansus is to be able to see into the Heavens and the Merkstave, but be able to reach out into the void of space and pull certain willing souls back out in order to be able to summon otherworldly creature. Obviously, this would have to be an entirely spiritual matter, as the actual, physical resurrection of a soul is a [i]massive[/i] deal in Ansus, and the only time it has really happened properly is how this RP began: the return of our heroes from death. And even then, only a God has managed it. In terms of this Lazarus creature, I would suggest finding another means for him to be able to do what he does. he should realistically [i]avoid[/i] death by some means rather than [i]resurrect[/i] each time. Coming back to life is a big thing, as I mentioned, and such an event should really be reserved for the opening posts of characters. And if you want to see people's emotions, I would do so by actually just being magically empathetic. No need for realm-weaving for that! [@Dextkiller] Good to be back! I'll probably be doing response posts tomorrow for all you eager bunnies.