"One minute till landing sir." Vale heard the communications officer say over the intercom to inform them how close they really were to the factory. Vale stood with her back towards the cockpit and was flanked on either side by her personal stormtroopers, both of whom happened to be from Kuat. They stood in silent vigilance at her side as they watched the rather disgraceful troopers with their helmets off talking and laughing with the Governor. Most of the Governor's guard was actually from Boonta, loyal to him more than her which she guessed was the way that it should be. She wondered sometimes that if she were disappear for few days what would happen to her machinations. Would they continue as if she was still watching stalwartly over them? Or would the Governor attempt to turn everything into something that he liked, thus causing the moff's to step in and save his sorry hide. "30 seconds sir." The stormtroopers finally put their helmets back on and the two human women applying his make-up stepped aside and came towards the front of the craft where Vale was standing. Disgusted by the thoughts of what these girls had probably been through in service to their "glorious" Governor she and her entourage stepped forward and formed in behind both herself and the Governor. Standing up from his doubly cushioned seat and moving towards the middle of craft and slightly ahead of Vale the Governor's purple cape moving softly and silently behind him. The colonel struggled against her contempt for the man and managed to keep a neutral face as the craft began to descend. The Governor turned to Vale and flashed his devious grin. "Oh why don't you cheer up ma dear. Today is a day for celebration!" The Governor spoke with an elation for the events that were about to unfold. Vale continued holding her disgust inside and made sure to not let it show on her face. They were going to be broadcast to the whole planet after all. The bay door of the Lambda began to lower which immediately broke the seal with the outside and allowed in the view and the sound of the outside world. The first thing she heard was all the cheering for their beloved Governor and then was greeted by the view of thousands of people on either side of the Lambda in massive stands that had probably only been erected recently as well as specifically for this event. But much closer to the shuttle were three columns of stormtroopers all somewhere around 20 running the whole length of the column turning on their heels from a forward facing potion to one where they were all looking towards the center with their E-11 blasters in their hands pointed downward. Beyond them however was a podium and even further beyond that two clear paths into the capitol city of Boonta. These paths lead all the way to the grand doors which Vale knew were behind them. The Governor kept his smile as he began walking down the ramp of the Lambda waving with both his arms at the crowds on either side of him, his gold and white uniform glinting in the sunlight. Vale followed with her hands held behind her back slightly slower than the Governor, making sure to keep slightly to the right and back of him. When they finally stepped off the ramp a gust of wind nearly took off Vale's officer cap. She quickly fixed it and patted her braid back behind her shoulder as the wind subsided as quickly as it came. The Governor made his way to the podium quite slowly as he usually did making sure to take in the fan fair of the event. When he finally made his way to the podium though the crowd's cheering quickly turned into a hushed roar. "Peooople of Boonta, my most loyal subjects. Certainly the most loyal in the Empire!" The Governor paused for a moment as the crowd's response picked up in loudness for a moment, though once it died down he continued again with a smile. Vale also heard the Lambda take off behind her. "Today...we mark the anniversary of the formation of the Empire! An Empire which has brought ORDER, STABILITY, AND GREATNESS TO THE GALAXY! All of us on this world, especially you my citizens, have shown the Empire that it is welcomed and appreciated. Some of you.... may be old enough to remember the days of war, when the galaxy began to tear itself apart with vanity and greed. But for those of you not old enough to appreciate the goodness of this Empire, no matter how bad your situation may become, no matter how chaotic your life may be, know this....your friends, your comrades, your Empire. WE ALL STAND WITH YOU AS YOU STAND WITH US!" Once again this garnered a massive cheer in the crowd which the governor allowed for another moment. "And to show you how dedicated the Empire is to your safety, your order, your continued protection. We have been shown graciousness by the Emperor and his moff's." The massive doors behind the Vale which were hundreds of feet high began to open sending a massive gust of wind that caught her hair again but not her cap. As the doors slowly opened the crowd began screaming once again in excitement. The Governor continued to talk over the loud doors and the people once again though. "Long live order, long live the Emperor, long live this great Empire!" Vale felt the earth rumble behind her and then the sound of the massive machines that were AT-AT's. Two began walking out and moving to either side of the Governor and his entourage. The crowd yelling even louder now Vale forced herself to suppress a smile at the display of power and strength. Even she had to admit that the Governor was a good showmen. Then her addition to the display began. Echelons of TIE fighters began flying overhead in multiple waves adding to the massive amount of noise already being generated. Vale guessed the timing of the shuttle seeing as she didn't have her data pad with her and put a hand on the Governor's shoulder. Almost as on que the shuttle returned and landed in the same place as it had before. As yet more AT-AT began to make their way out of the factory the Governor gave another wave as he and Vale both turned around and began walking between the stormtroopers once again. The crowd still cheering behind them. The troopers that they had left aboard the shuttle came out onto the ramp and with rifles in their left hands at their sides they saluted with their right as they stood on either sides of the ramp. As the Governor and Vale walked up the ramp the stormtroopers quickly piled back into the hold of the craft and it began lifting off as soon as it had arrived. The hold slowly closing up as the view of the lowering ground became obfuscated she turned back to the front of the craft and went between her two troopers. Though this time she walked past them and opened the door into the cock-pit. As the door closed behind her she asked the navigator how soon until they reached the palace. "About 10 minutes mam." The naval officer responded. "Good, we don't want to keep our visitors waiting." Vale said as she retrieved her wrist-pad from a container next to the pilot. She quickly opened up her list of who would be at the palace for the remainder of the festivities and made her way over to the communications officer. "Give me a link to my officers on the ground at the palace." The communications officer complied with a quick "yes, mam." and connected her to the command channel at the palace. "All troops be advised, the Governor is en rout. Prepare for our arrival."