Maric laughs nervously at Calder's formal attitude. [color=yellow]"Please, no need to be so formal. We're all friends here."[/color] He looked a little creeped out at Elden's grin, but he gave the group a friendly nod before going back to stand next to Loghain. [color=yellow]"So, uh, you were saying?"[/color] He looked at Rendorn. The Arl clears his throat and addresses the group. [color=lightgreen]"Your mission will lead you south to the Korcari Wilds."[/color] He turns to the table and gestures for you to come closer. On the table, there was a map of Ferelden, with miniatures depicting the heraldry of the Theirin family as well as miniatures depicting the heraldry of Orlais on various parts of the map. He pointed to the area on the map marked 'Korcari Wilds.' [color=lightgreen]"During the early Storm Age, the Grey Wardens had a fortress in the Wilds called Astrid's Vigil. Now, as you may or may not know, we don't have very many friends in the south, and so we lack a proper foothold in the area. Your mission will be to secure this fortress so that we can move into the area so that we can establish a garrison within three weeks' time before winter hits."[/color] Rowan spoke up. [color=darkred]"There is not space enough for our men anywhere else. And with Queen Moira's passing and the discovery of Maric's survival, this part of Ferelden is no longer safe."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Precisely."[/color] He looked over at the group. [color=lightgreen]"If there are no questions..."[/color]