[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Leah%20Anna%20Willoughby&name=Precious.ttf&size=100&style_color=02BAA1[/img] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20700000/Leighton-Meester-leighton-meester-20714851-500-238.gif[/img] [color=Aqua]{[/color][i]"Who knows, what may happen this year"[/i][color=Aqua]}[/color] [COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR] Acquaintances || [COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR] Neutral || [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR] Friends || [COLOR=CYAN]♫[/COLOR] Best Friends || [COLOR=RED]♥[/COLOR] Love Interest || [COLOR=PINK]⚤[/COLOR] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [COLOR=BLACK]☠[/COLOR] Enemies[hr][hr][/center] [color=green]☮ [/color] [color=Aqua][b] C A S P E R . F A W N [/b][/color] [color=green]☮ [/color] [i]" He's Elliot's little brother and one of my friends from Team Blue. He may be a Team Leader; but he's got tough shoes to fill."[/i] Leah has known Casper for a few years at Camp Liberty-they became friends despite his brother being an arrogant ass and leader of Team Blue. When Casper Stepped up, Leah supported him knowing it wasn't going to be an easy task, especially if Team Blue were to change. He's not that bad, and Leah wishes that the rest of Team Blue would give him a chance and not judge him so easily. [color=green] ☮ [/color] [color=Crimson][b]S T A C E Y. H A M P T O N [/b][/color] [color=green] ☮ [/color] [i]"I've known Stace for years-she' always been a great friend, and I know I can rely on her."[/i] Leah and Stacey have met before they started Camp Liberty. Even though they're on different Teams and are competitive, they are congratulate each other/make each other feel better if one loses etc. This year, Leah feels like Stacey knows something that she doesn't, like Stacey has some kind of a secret. It confuses Leah slightly, when she acts bit differently around her. But Stacey has always been there for Leah, through her up's and down's in her relationship/family drama. [color=wheat] ☯ [/color] [color=Purple][b] C H A S E . J A C K S O N[/b][/color] [color=wheat] ☯ [/color] [i]"There's not much to say...opposing Teams...Rivalry."[/i] Leah and Chase don't exactly speak often- due to their opposing Teams and Chase's assumptions of Team Blue, the two girls could mostly be seen as Enemies/Rivals in the Camp. Whilst Leah tries to be nice...Chase doesn't stay close. They just tend to compete against each other in their teams, they don't spend much time together outside of Camp Day Activities. [color=green] ☮ [/color] [color=Green][b]L I L I T H . A S H B O U R NE [/b][/color] [color=green] ☮ [/color] [i]"Bubbly Lil...she's a sweet girl."[/i] Leah and Lil have been friends for a few years, having met at Camp Liberty. They seem to even each other out due to their different personality aspects, but find that they get on well, even if Lil can't pronounce her name properly. [color=wheat] ☯ [/color] [color=Aqua][b] R I C H A R D . K I N G[/b][/color] [color=wheat] ☯ [/color] [i]"Urgh....He's a Jerk...a Team Player when needed but I am pretty sure, he's trying to take Casper's Place."[/i] Leah and King may be in Team Blue; But that does not mean that they get on personally. Leah can sense that Richard is rather hostile towards Casper and is trying to take over. When it comes to being a Team-Member he plays fair, and will give support but Leah can't stand his personality and bigger than life ego. They're just Team Mates, that don't get on which will sometimes cause arguments. [color=green] ☮ [/color][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][color=Pink][b] M A L C O L M . O D A K A [/b][/color][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][color=green] ☮ [/color] [i]"He may be small, but he's got powerful lungs. Have you heard him play?."[/i] Leah and Malcolm share love of music and Lea likes listening to him play. He's rather talented. She admires his talent, and they can be seen having a friendly/intellectual conversation or just having some fun like friends at Summer Camp's do. [COLOR=RED]♥[/COLOR][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][color=Green][b] C H R I S T I A N . B U R N S[/b][/color][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][COLOR=RED]♥[/COLOR] [i]"he's new this year....Mhh those dreamy eyes."[/i] Despite her relationship problems; Leah and Chris are a match waiting to happen. Whilst the two are still getting to know each other; Leah can't help but feel a bit drawn towards the 'New Boy'. She has a crush on Chris, no one knows about it.. .well maybe Stacey might know something, but Leah hasn't really told anyone yet. Leah gladly talks to him and wants to know him a bit better. Sometimes she struggles a bit with the new feelings for the new boy...wondering where it'll lead. However, her fear of getting hurt once more and ending like her parents is somewhat stopping from growing a bit a closer to Christian for the mean time. [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][COLOR=BLACK]☠[/COLOR][color=Gray][b] S A B L E . S A N T I A G O[/b][/color][COLOR=BLACK]☠[/COLOR][COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR] [i]"The official term is, frenemy!"[/i] Sable and Leah are rivals at their best; the two girls have an up and down relationship no matter what is going on. The only common ground they have, is similar clothes and like of music. It doesn't make them friends...but something to talk about when they're not bitching at each other/fighting to help their Team Win. [COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][color=Gray][b] O L L I E . K E L L E R[/b][/color][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR] [i]"She's interesting...I am not sure what to make of her, just like any of the members of Team Gray."[/i] Even though Leah is not a big fan of Team Grey; she and Ollie seem to be on pretty calm turf at the moment. The two have conversations every now and then, but that doesn't stop Leah from wondering and being confused by Ollie. She knows that Stacey and Ollie are good friends; so she doesn't judge despite her dislike of Team Gray who don't seem to fit here nor there. [COLOR=CYAN]♫[/COLOR][color=Purple][b] S E B A S T I A N . R E Y E S[/b][/color][COLOR=CYAN]♫[/COLOR] [i]"I've known Sebastian out of the Camp, longer than anyone else. Besides Jess and Stacey, he's one of my closest friends. He's Like a brother to me."[/i] Leah and Sebastian go years back; having met Sebastian through her older brother Gregory who is his friend. Seb and Leah have been close friends for years now; he always has her back and she knows she can go to him if need be. He's like family to her. When he joined Camp Liberty, she was glad to hear off his arrival. He's been an important part of her life, he keeps her together and she loves him to bits. Leah appreciates his support, help and advice...and his goofiness and shared passion for dance. [COLOR=CYAN]♫[/COLOR][color=Pink][b]J E S S I C A . W I L S O N[/b][/color][COLOR=CYAN]♫[/COLOR] [i]"Jess is pretty persistent, but she's one of my best friends."[/i] Leah and Jess have known each other for 4 years; having met at Camp Liberty. With Leah being withdrawn at times; Jess was the first person that got her to open up. The two have bonded over their love of nature, exploring, dancing and love of music. Even if the girls were to argue about something-it would be just friendly banter nothing more. The girls love spending time together and Leah is thankful for having Jess as another friend she can rely on. [COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][color=Gray][b]K A T S U Y A . B O G D A N I[/b][/color][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR] [i]"Urgh....another Grey. I wish she'd stop being so annoying sometimes."[/i] Leah and Kat's personalities seem to clash. Whilst's Leah's Competitive, Kat is just sporadic, living her life as it comes; more impulse than anything. Her behavior seems to get on Leah's nerves. Also with Leah's personal issues going on with her parents, her fear of getting hurt. She doesn't want to get attached to Kat as a friend, in fear she might change her ways and get hurt herself. Lea tries to be friendly, but it doesn't always work out. [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][color=Purple][b] C A S S A N D R A . S A N D E R S[/b][/color][COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR] [i]"Sweet girl, talented violin player."[/i] Leah and Cass met at Camp Liberty about 3 years ago; quickly becoming friends and bonding over similar hobbies and interests. They can be seen walking around the Camp together sometimes, or just hanging out and chatting. Both girls have their own issues so Leah feels sympathetic towards Cassandra and her own personal conflicts/issues she's been dealing with. The two girls' friendship keeps growing and Leah enjoys listening to Cass playing the Violon or have a laugh when Cass tries to teach her some Spanish. [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][color=Crimson][b]J A M I E . W O L F E[/b][/color][COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR] [i]"I've met him during Registration....he seems like a cool guy. It's his first year, so hopefully we'll have a chance to talk some more."[/i] Leah and Jamie don't each other well, but their personalities seem to blend together well. It seems like the two could become friends in the future. James is someone that Leah would gladly hang around with/have fun around the Camp site. He seems like a cool, yet sweet guy. He maked Leah smile and laugh, without even trying hard and one of the few people that could actually make her feel better, without over-doing it. [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][color=Purple][b]L U C A . C A R D W E L L[/b][/color][COLOR=BROWN]⚜[/COLOR][COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR] [i]"My British, Buddy"[/i] Having both been born in England; Luca and Leah have started to bond and hang out when they met at the camp. They sometimes find that similar things bugs them, when their American Friends speak and use different terms then they are used to. Leah will gladly listen to him play Guitar and chat with him/ have fun. [COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][COLOR=BLACK]☠[/COLOR][color=aqua][b]A L E X A N D R I A . N O V A K [/b] [/color][COLOR=BLACK]☠[/COLOR][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR] "Another Team Mate......I think she tries a bit to hard, to get people to like her. To be honest, she's not favorite person on the planet." Leah and Alex clash due to their different personalities, ambitions for the Team. Despite both being in Team Blue; Leah will try and set their differences aside when it comes to working together. But other than that, the girls do not get on much and are no where near being friends. It seems like they are personally enemies within their own Team. [COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][color=GREEN][b] E L O W E N . G L A S S[/b][/color][COLOR=WHEAT]☯[/COLOR][COLOR=GREEN]☮[/COLOR] [i]"Low is rather quite....I worry about her."[/i] Elowen and Leah have no reason to not get along; both girls are distant/quite in their own ways...dealing with their own issues. Whilst some people are scared to approach Elowen; Leah and Elowen are on friendly terms, getting closer to friendship with each step. Leah feels like this year she might try and reach out towards Elowen a little bit more. Symbol Here [color=Crimson][b]A L E X A . W I L D E[/b][/color] Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here