Robert thought for a moment as he listened to her words. In all the time he had seen Isabeau she did not really look like much he had never seen her fight and had only seen her horrible attitude. However when he had looked into her eyes he saw something different , something not human. And then the strange words that women had spoken against her. About her being the princess of darkness. It had not felt right and to let her walk alone could cause problems if she indeed turned out to be evil. So he decided to join her for two reasons. The first was to see how much power she truly posses d and the second that if she indeed turned out to be evil. The he would be close enough to stab her in the back. with that idea in mind Robert said with the same emotionless voice as Isabeau. " It might be a smart idea if i accompanied you to the mountain. It would hardly be fitting to leave a women alone in such dangerous times no? And if that doesn't convince you, look t it this way. Two fighters are always better than one." And with that Robert kept walking beside her. He still had no idea where they were going but apparently she knew so he decided to just trust her judgement.