[@Theorist] Calder took one step away from Elden subtantly, a chill went down his spine. however he felt happy that he was a mage, but mostly freaked out. Calder listened attentively and smiled, with a warm feeling in his heart, he hadn't heard the words [i]"we're all friends here"[/i] in a long, long while. Calder was filled with excitement, he was gonna go to the Korcari Wilds on a adventure!. he didn't really care if it wasn't safe. it was going to be fun. after all, it is a adventure! [b]Nope!.[/b] Calder answered the arl, wanting to get going on the adventure already and dive bomb into a land of fun, awesome. and the unknown. [@OtomostheCrazy][@Rogue Colm]