[center][h2][color=F58092]Sugar - Crocus Train Station[/color][/h2][/center] Tears were swelling around her eyes as the blurry image of a train seemed to retreat into the distance. In her hand, she tightly clutched to a piece of paper as her whole body seemed to tremble. Her newsboy cap pulled down to cover her eyes, hiding not only the tears that were on the verge of pouring from her eyes, but also hiding the complete devastation that etched her face. Amber watched silently as last image of the train slowly vanished from her sight, both her hopes and dreams disappearing on the locomotive. Standing silently to herself, it took several minutes for the little girl to stop herself from trembling. She also seemed to stop herself from crying as well, the tears fading away from her eyes while her mind started to function once again. Though, her hand was still tightly gripping the piece of paper, she almost had the right mind to tear it into tiny little pieces! Though, she would never have the will to tear up such an important message, and Amber sighed to herself as she kicked the the ground, launching some pebbles into the air. Finally regaining her composure, she lifted up her cap to uncover his lightly puffy eyes. Amber rubbed away the remaining tears that remained on her eyes, returning her brown eyes back to normal. She looked to her side to find her dull gray backpack leaning against her leg, grumbling to herself, she put on one strap upon her shoulder as the crummy backpack's other strap tore off long ago. Inside were all the things to continue on living, some water, some food, and other basic equipment that would be useful if she would ever get lost in the woods. However, most of the things that filled up her pack was mainly just her equipment to continue making her special magic things! It was very important to keep that stuff safe since that was all she needed to become stronger! Or at least make more types of interesting abilities with the most perfect object in the world! Candy. The rest of the pockets inside her pants and backpack was filled with just normal candy, but her waist carried along several pouches of her special candy, each pouch containing a different type of spell that would help her become stronger! It was only time before she would be stronger than Master, and it shall be glorious once she beats up that smug face! Grumbling to herself once again, Amber pouted as she started to unravel the crumbled letter. [color=00a651]"Sorry for leaving you again for the third time. At least the train had stopped this time, am I right?"[/color] Sugar remembered that time, it was painful, [color=00a651]"Well, I'll be back whenever I feel like it. Just get better in the mean time, another adventure awaits me! Signed, Candy."[/color] [color=F58092]"Master is an ass,"[/color] Sugar muttered to herself, folding the crumpled piece of paper into a tiny neat square. She shoved it into an open pocket of her backpack, keeping it safe with the other two notes that Master had left for her. At the same time, once she removed her hand from the backpack, two gumballs were tightly gripped between her fingers. She popped the two within her mouth, her strong jaws easily turning the candy into a nice chewy mass. Sugar looked back towards the last location of the train before turning towards the nearest exit, heading into the city of Crocus for the Grand Magic Games. [center][h2][color=007236]Eve - Dragon Fang Hotel[/color][/h2][/center] After the shooting range, it seemed that the group split apart once again. Eve had to return to her guild, Nero left to some undisclosed location, and the same went for Ayame. She wasn't sure if the guild had seen her new transformation as she was one of the last ones to arrive at the hotel, but they would probably notice her rather large change in her body. Sleep was also something that was rather strange, it took getting used to the body and sleeping in the body was strange to her as well! Finding the right position to sleep in was the hardest, but it didn't take too long before she peacefully went into a deep slumber. The Necromancer awoke with a jarring knock upon her door, jolting her to raise from her sleep and into a groggy morning. Before getting out of bed, she yawned while rubbing her eyes to try to lighten her heavy mind. So, Eve began her daily ritual of getting prepared for the morning that was achieved with the help of her guild. Hygiene was something that the Necromancer didn't know about too well in her past life, smelling like rotten meat was always something that she had gotten used to after living in the cursed village! So, she began by cleaning her body in the shower. And Eve couldn't lie, she noticed some parts of her body that were once flat to grow rather large after the transformation that Nero had cast upon her. After drying herself off, she brushed her teeth to help brighten her teeth and brushing away the bed hair that plagued her every time she slept. However, the only bad part about the transformation is that Eve could no longer fit into any other clothing besides the one that Nero had transformed for her yesterday! Eve needed to speak to him about changing all of her clothes as well, but at the moment she was rather hungry for some breakfast. The Necromancer removed herself from the room, almost expecting to see someone approaching her, but it seemed that the hall was empty. She was lightly saddened by the sight, remembering yesterday morning and the terrible start of the day... Maybe she did need to speak with Time Lord. Eve sighed to herself before making her way downstairs towards the bottom floor for some food. This new body seemed to desire food more than her thin body, and she was pretty sure that was better. A nutrient poor body compared to a rather large body was kind of confusing, but she would like to think that this thing that Nero gave her was for the better, even if he admitted it was for his own pleasure. Still, Nero and Ayame were pretty great people, she knew that for sure! So, the Necromancer descended down the stairs for some warm food to be placed within her stomach. [center][h2][color=662d91]Magni - Frenzy Plant Camp[/color][/h2][/center] Like usual, Magni was already awake before most people could stumble out of their tents. However, the Antimage seemed to wake up with aching muscles, but that actually a good sign for Magni. It meant that he was training hard, or he survived several battles without dying! Well, two fights in a row would do that to a person, especially since he had technically lost the first battle and was saved by his two allies. The Antimage didn't really like to acknowledge that fact, but he did have to admit that having other people supporting you was better than surviving on your own without any help. Still, being saved is rather embarrassing for anyone that prides themselves to be a skilled combatant since it shows that they aren't too strong. So, the Antimage knew that he needed to get stronger! Though, his thoughts seemed to wonder back towards the fights. First, the other Antimages were probably still in custody of Frenzy Plant, and the fight with the Mystic Beast get kind of blurry if he tries to remember the details. Magni was pretty sure he was running off pure adrenaline in the middle of the fight, the exhaustion in his body was too much from his mind and was merely going off by his motions... That is pretty neat, he can still fight if his mind has shut off. The Antimage shook his head around before ceasing his training, speaking with the superiors about the two sets of fights seemed to be more important than doing stretches. So, Magni walked into the busier part of the camp to find an S-Class wizard and talk about the weird things that had happened yesterday, especially since the camp had gotten attacked twice!