[img]http://i.imgur.com/mlKxfjS.jpg[/img] Sharie lead the way for the small team of ladies, although she tried to measure her pace and stayed only a few feet ahead. Believe it or not, this wasn't her first time outside of the walls of Enn, her job was to maintain all parts of the wall which included the external sections. Now that's not say this was nothing to her, because obviously there is a huge difference between venturing outside, and actually stepping foot into the wilderness. Still for the most part she felt fine, no sense of panic, but no real feelings of excitement either, she was pretty much neutral on the matter. She glanced back and noticed Samieh trying to chat up Scarlett, whether or not she would be successful remained to be seen. It was good to see the brown haired girl trying to connect with her teammate, a little bit of friendship will go a long way that's for sure. Seeing this Sharie figured she should try to do some socialization herself, maybe learn some about Andica, the girl who so far seemed to be quite the nervous type. She slowed down and waited for Andica to catch up with her, then gave a quick, friendly wave with her free hand. Sharie didn't say anything, instead she stared ahead in thought. She had to make a decent impression here, they're going to be together for awhile so starting on the wrong foot would be pretty bad. After a few seconds she came up with something to talk about. "So, Andica right? I'm wondering, who's this little guy." Sharie then pointed to Kavinika, she noticed him and found it interesting someone decided to bring a dog, there could be some story behind it. [hr] [h3][color=lightgreen]TEAM BROCCOLI[/color][/h3] [@DFTBA] [@Jay Kalton] [@Magnato]