[color=8882be][i]The unfortunate cloaked figure, wasn't giving the bullies what they wanted, and they looked ready to make the issue violent, but they noticed the two charging players, both a couple levels above them at level 6 to their level 4, which gave them a slight pause. But they had the better odds numerically, so five turned to face the attackers while one held their captive. Iris's shout and attack came as a complete surprise. The guard, the one closest to Iris, and so presumably the one she struck, cried out in pain and whirled, whipping his blade out and making a horizontal cut that would strike her torso on her right side, if not blocked or dodged. The others all looked over their shoulders for one brief, but crucial moment, seeing only one low level (2-3?) player behind them they turned forward again just as the first two attackers struck. The cloaked figure, forgotten in the fray, dashed away, arcing towards the nearby woods, where it would be easier to hide.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Oya![/color] [color=f7941d][i]I shouted a response to Tsu as I charged with him. Hearing a noise behind the group, I hope it isn't friends of theirs, but stay focused on my target. Seeing their reactions I grin, knowing it wasn't any friend of theirs. Reaching the group I lunged forward; driving the point of my halberd hard into the nearest player, taking full advantage of his distraction to bypass his shield and score a heavy blow to the boy's torso. The blow knocked him backwards and dropped his health all the way down into the red zone. The shock and horror conspired to rob the boy of his balance, as he stumbled and fell onto his back, only a few feet from Iris and her opponent, off to her left. I grin again, this one a morbid, devilish grin, and plant my feet, throwing my thighs, hips, back, shoulders, and arms, into slicing the halberd in a flat arc to right, away from Tsu and his opponents, to hit the player on the far right of the line arrayed against us. He was armed with a massive two handed sword, of European design. He tried to parry, but his unwieldy weapon, backed only by his arms and panicked horror, was not enough to stop the blow, only soften it. I shout again as I watch his health also drop rapidly to just inside the red range, and reverse my swing.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Oya![/color] [color=f7941d][i]Spinning on my back foot to bring the spike into the bully's other side, the massive weapon creating a low whirring sound as it cut through the air around me with surprising speed for such big weapon. The bully lunges forward, stabbing halfheartedly with his sword, already trying to step back out of range of my strike even as his strike lands; depriving it of much of its potential power. The blade pierces my unprotected back, which hurts, but it doesn't slow me down. I'd felt so much worse when my step dad had stabbed me in a drunken rage one night. This game was child's play compared to my real life. I glance at my health bar as I spin around, shouting again in malicious glee as I see it drop but fail to reach even the yellow section.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Oya![/color] [color=f7941d][i]I feel my face split in a wide grin, and my belly roll with laughter at these cowards and their pathetic attempt at defending themselves. These bullies could not best me and Tsu, and I am not about to let them survive long enough try their luck on some other hapless traveler.[/i][/color] [@LadyTale][@Yunagi]