[b]Marcus[/b] Deep in the bowels of Magnolia city dwelled a lone fighter, a veteran of battles of willpower and pure strength combined. His clothing was once made of fine silk and polished steel but had fallen from grace over years of his nomadic wanderings across the world. Nobody ever truly remembered his name, knowing full well he had never done anything to earn that kinda praise. Marcus was a man of honest and honorable intentions, but... "Keep looking! He can't have gone far!" Shouted a city guardsman to a small patrol of his men. "The man we seek is tall with a standard soldiers uniform and longsword!" The soldiers gave a nod and fanned out to search for the man who had attacked a home of an influential businessman in the upper city. Earlier in the day, Marcus had been begged by two gentlemen pleeding for help in getting their money back from a widely known thief. Marcus had agreed to help them get back what belonged to them rightly and was convinced the 'thief' who had robbed them had been a monster indeed to do such a thing! It wasn't until he had broken down the door, broad daylight, that he realized he had once again.. been duped. The home was lavish and the wife and teen staring at him in horror as the two men burst in after him was all the evidence he needed. Embarassed and shamed he had swiftly dispatched the men, knocking them unconcious before they could loot anything or threaten the home owners. That was just before the town guards had come by to see him standing amidst the wreckage of a doorway holding his sword over two fallen men. Marcus had done the only thing sensible to him at that moment: Run! Almost two hours later of hide and seek-the-perpetrator had him at wits end. "Damnit... Why'd I have to go and listen to those two!" He whispered silently from a rooftop as two armed guards walked within inches of his hiding spot, but thankfully had not seen him. Slowly, he shuffled to his feet and braced himself. As the guard finally sweeped the block he was hiding he made a leap, landing heavily on another roof a short distance away and continued to run, apology after apology echoing in his head as he charged across the roof away from the patrol. Wasn't long after he had left them behind altogether but still he kept his pace, determined to hide until they'd forgotten about him.