[b]michael[/b] [@silver fox] Michaels heart stopped and then thumped hard in his chest at Prince's voice. Was he imagining it? Michael peeked about. And there was Prince, half dressed, his normal jolly self. Michael made a sound between an "Er" and a groan, and nothing else came out. What had happened last night? Oh god, what had happened last night? He didn't like not knowing, and he stared at Prince, wide eyed. His thoughts were slow, as he tried to figure out what happened. What was Prince doing in his room? His eyes roamed, seeing Prince's jacket and hat, on a chair, obviously not thrown, and that was slightly reassuring. He looked back to Prince, still no closer to figure anything out. [color=00a651]"w-w-w-what?"[/color] [b]jarvis[/b] Jarvis left the room quietly, after writing a quick note and making sure there girls were okay, before shutting the door, turning he almost walked right into Karn. Smiling at the younger wizard, [color=aba000]"everything is well Karn. That was a good battle you did. An amusing ending. Are you okay?"[/color] Jarvis asked, as Jamie called everyone in, [color=aba000]"you should head downstairs"[/color] Jarvis said, turning to the stairs. [b]master Jamie[/b] [@zarkun] Amused at Damian's response, Jamie said almost cheekily, [color=f26522]"well, we are letting everything hang out in the air today, so why not?"[/color] chuckling to herself, Jamie looked over the gathering guild members, and drew in a deep breath, deciding the communication lacrimas would get the message across well enough to those not here yet. As if in an after thought Jamie said [color=f26522]"oh! Connect to Jack, connect to Dragon Fang's lacrima!"[/color] Jack deserved to know as well, after putting up with the them for so long. And dragon Fang was an ally. [color=f26522]"jaaaaccck, Heeeellllloooooo"[/color] assuming Jack could hear, Jamie began. [color=f26522]"Last night, something happened. Something that can be considered a true miracle, I think, but it's something that can just be put down to a parents love. None of you know this. Or at least not the whole story. I guess I should start with this, and understand I planned on revealing this when we won the games. I am female. I can't hide that now, and if truth be told, I haven't felt right hiding it from the guild. I was born female, and my mofher naming me Jamie was just a happy coincidence. But in anycase, that's a tangent. Some of you know that Jarvis had a child. She was mine, to. She is mine. Thanks to the spirit Thanatos, she is alive again. We gave up my transformation magic for her life. It's something I would do again. Her name is Samantha, but we call her Sam. Just another unisex name" [/color] Jamie said with amusement, looking up as she saw Jarvis. [color=f26522]"most likely still asleep. If she had lived as she should have, she would have been 21. Instead, she is still six. We started the guild for her. We will continue it because we are Phoenix Wing. We are, every single one of us, a family. Let's do the guild proud, and let's welcome in a new chance"[/color]