[b]jarvis[/b] Jarvis frowned, looking back at the younger wizard. Was that a no, a result of the battle yesterday, or a no as in everything wasn't alright? Jarvis knew that Karn had been sickly for a while, maybe for years. Edolas Karn had been the same. Jarvis watched people, and right then, something seemed different with Karn. There was lacrima magic around the boy, but Jarvis couldn't be sure it wasn't a communication or teleportation lacrima, at least he could if it was one of his, but not of it was one from a store. Not unless he held it. Something was different with Karn, something slight. Jarvy? Was that the first time Karn had called him that? Frowning, a little unsure, Jarvis resolved to watch Karn. He stopped Karn, and said softly [color=aba000]"if something's wrong, you can talk with us, Karn"[/color] [b]michael[/b] That didn't answer anything, just gave Michael more questions. Danced? They had danced? He remembered something like that but it had happened? Pure filled night of pleasure? Was Prince messing with him? Michael didn't know. He should compare himself. Think of something witty. But Michael wasn't witty. He was hardly even amusing. He opened his mouth, and the words tumbled out [color=00a651]"while I'm use to having a cat in my bed, she's normally smaller. I must have been confused for a moment, I'm sorry."[/color] What had happened? Remember! He demanded of his brain, but nothing came. Surely if something had happened, he remember? He rubbed his hands over his face, through his already messed up hair. [color=00a651]"m-m-morning. Why are y-y-you in my b-b-bed?"[/color]