[h2]Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h2] [@Caits] Karn flicked his emerald gaze toward Jarvis as the older wizard stopped to show his concern. It seemed Jarvis was quite, not surprising but he was being a bit sloppy in hiding. Still, Jarvis picked it up quickly. The blonde should of probably acted more cheery, but he didn't really feel like it. At the soft reassurance, Karn looked at him for a moment, green eyes then flicking over the room, landing on Sasha. The brief figure in sight caused his eyes to narrow, before shifting somewhere else. He saw Mayt, in which class his eyes hardened before quickly shutting them to avoid giving away emotion. Opening them again, he looked to Jarvis. [color=springgreen]"Talking won't help too much. Though I do not know what else I need. But hey, now is not the time to be a dobbie downer old man. You should be cheery and get on the merry go round with Jamie there. Sure Sammy will be just as giddy when she wakes up."[/color] Karn answered, cracking a joking smile before resuming to watch the others. It felt like there was a invisible wall. Something playing a cruel joke on him. Such a happy scene... It was almost cruel. ~~~~ [color=aqua]"Awe I see, your quite used to having a pussycst in bed with you mhmm? How interesting."[/color] Prince purred in amusement before humming thoughtfully before promptly glomping Michael. Happily cuddling with the shy blue haired wizard. [color=aqua]"I got sleepy when I carried you up here. So I took a nap."[/color] he purred.