Zmeis was already raising his hand, speaking up. [color=salmon]"Hey, sure, I got a really big obvious transport right here. And I specialize in teleporting, so getting away should be easy enough. And I'm known to aggravate the Kill Teams- they'll probably recognize me on sight. So, uh, yeah, sign me up for distraction. What's the plan with that? Show up near the newbie, make sure to get spotted, and make to get away and to my transport? 'Cause I can do that."[/color] He took another swig, covering his mouth with his other hand as he let out a silent burp, mumbling a vague "'scuse me." He pulled out one of the Illuminati PDAs- the same one that Monsoon likes using to appear. He set it down, and opened up their maps of the area. Finding the bar that they're at, he started flinging the map around, checking for lookout points, extraction points, and more, marking them all with different colored markers, that showed up as small flags on the screen. After several moments of this, Monsoon used the holographic display to make his avatar appear- really just a swirling bundle of water and debris. [color=burlywood]"As Zmeis's Artificial Intelligence, I can ensure that he gets away in the best route possible, while preventing any data loss or unexpected surprises."[/color]