[center][color=burlywood][h3]Niklas König of Königreich der Welten[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][hr][hr] Niklas went ahead with the flow like a good sheep, already disliking his host's audacity to set themselves up at the head of the table, raised just a bit higher than everyone else, as if they were a step up from the rest of the world. Nothing was really that great about the nation itself- they didn't particularly produce the much food or goods, nor do they have a significant military, nor are they pioneers in any particular field of technology or somesuch. They were [i]average[/i], and definitely not superior. But nevermind their arrogance; it changed nothing, and the rather exotic, foreign lady- more foreign than most- was his betrothed. He recognized every single person here, though he'd not let any of them know that. Except for, of course, his to-be wife. It confused him why they were even here, why his father wanted their resources. Surely Brittania would've been better? Or another nation, perhaps, with benefits more suiting the Königreich? Either way, he couldn't change it, and his father wasn't even here. That was part of the plan, of course, to force the adults to speak to such a younger person to get their Königreich-related news and negotiation done. Directly across the table from him was the empty seat that his father was supposed to sit; no seat was there for his mother. Again, relatively obvious- her mother had rarely even been seen. She didn't exist anymore, really. He was just a tad lost in his thoughts when Mai Mei touched his arm. He didn't usually get startled, but he actually jumped slightly. Turning to her, he gave her an apology about being lost in thought, and greeting her back. After complimenting her and her attire- "Really, you do look beautiful. My father showed me images, but they don't quite compare, you know?"- he kept up a light conversation as dinner was served, taking his time and remaining polite. He took careful note of her expression, of how she replied- and quietly recognized that there was more than met the eye. As people started leaving, he subtly checked Mai's plate- noting that she seemed to have pretty much finished, he pushed his chair out, and stood. Stepping away from his chair, he waited patiently for Mai Mei to raise out of her own seat- and then he offered his arm to her. Quietly speaking Mai Mei's own language, fluently, if slightly accented, "We're both stuck in this position, whether or not we like it. Let's make the best of it, don'tcha think?"