I love your writing style! I am actually just getting back into the swing of things myself, after two years being preoccupied by life... I have been sticking to casual, just because I am so out of practice, but I used to RP at an advanced level and I would love to work back up to that, if you're willing. :) As for actual plots, I'm a huge sucker for slice-of-life and romantic stories... But I am also very intrigued by tragedy. Probably because I haven't personally gone through a lot of tragedy in my own life, I like to see how it changes and effects how a person feels and behaves. So basically, I often make terrible things happen to my characters. ^^" Haha. I do also really love anime, though, so if you wanted to do a fanfic-style RP I would not be opposed to it! I also will be posting fairly slow - also working full-time - so a steady pace works best, actually.