It sounded like this was a lively group. If they were throwing sandwiches at each other it had to be a good sign, or a messy one. Thankfully, food items just shattered in this world instead of making much of a mess. Fringe benefits to virtual reality came in handy. But, amusing stories couldn't break Tailpin's preoccupied pattern of thought enough to summon a smile. Those monsters hadn't been the same type. Now that he thought back, one of them had been shiny and moved slower than the other. There was probably armor involved in that type. His eyes kept wandering down the road where the girl had gone. Tailpin saw the faint movement in the distance and heard the yelling but it isn't wise for an archer to charge. Well, it's not wise to charge first anyway. As soon as Mai'lo started running, Tailpin followed. Though, the archer did have to slow down a little to stay behind the more heavily armed player. He kept trying to see as far as he could and he could soon identify several of the health bars. A couple of them were in the red already. The higher his perception skill got the better he'd be able to target with his bow. He would need to be able to fire into a raging melee without hitting allies. Besides, he'd have to be far away enough not to get dragged into the sword battle. In fact, with where that fight was taking place he'd have to practice that skill now. He couldn't just follow the fighters straight into the battle. He needed to find a spot with overwatch. His eyes swept right and left as he ran. His right hand moved in the air and pulled up the mapping data that he had gathered before. It wasn't complete but he could tell that there were two accessable heights within bow range of the place where the fight seemed to be. There was something still on his mind though. If he was right about where that hollow was then he'd have to be able to hit anything that they attracted with this commotion. Those monsters might be bound to a limited territory but the entrance to that hollow was only about fifty yards from the edge of the area where the battle seemed to be. Assuming the worst case scenario, there could be as many as six level five monsters in that hollow. He wasn't strong enough to kill even one monster that strong. It would take at least six solid critical hits at his level to bring an average level five down. But, a skill impact could stall one or create an opening for a more powerful player. He'd have to focus on support for now. Tailpin glanced at the warrior ahead of him and then glanced back at the road behind them and those on it. His eyes were serious. Then he broke away from the road and veered off to the right, heading for a slope that would give him a good vantage point. He'd be isolated but that spot would let him use his bow most effectively. He just hoped that nothing attacked him from behind while he was in that exposed position. He was not quite level two still. This would be dangerous.