[b]Sasha[/b] [@Leslie Hall][@burthstone] Sasha smiled and returned Isabella's hug, not fussed at all that she wasn't given enough time to answer. Instead, she waited for the exchanges to happen, looking to Master Jamie when she spoke. She studied the form Jamie had, and smiled. Jamie always wore her forms with confidence, but Sasha imagined there just had to be something about wearing your true form, that...made everything seem right. She looked back to Isabella, and Mayt. [color=6ecff6]"Mayt isn't the only S class wizard. Damian was first, and that's him glomping the Master, and he was only in the guild, what, a few days if that. Penny and Mayt were chosen together when we went to the magic council."[/color] Sasha said, nodding to Penny. She gave a small laugh, [color=6ecff6]"As for what's happened the last several months, I think we need more then five minutes to catch you up. Bandits?"[/color] She said to Mayt, realising that the S class wizard hadn't been at the games the last two days. She felt eyes on her, and glanced about, just catching sight of karns, but something seemed off. Karn had never looked at her like that, like Sasha had done someting to him. Worried now that she had done something to upset the shape shifting wizard, she thought back on the previous day, but everything had seemed okay when she had carried karn back to the guild hotel. She looked over, letting herself be distracted as Sayiri entered cheerful,[color=6ecff6]"good morning Sayuri! How are you?"[/color] [b]Master Jamie[/b] [@Zarkun] Jamie chuckled at damian's response, the thud coming clear through the lacrima jamie held. As Damian seemed to hurry downstairs, Jamie returned the hug. [color=f26522]"My family's been whole for a while now. Sam just makes it full"[/color] She said, looking over the guild members gathered, happily, [color=f26522]"Round the teams up, lets have breakfast and get to the grounds early today. Get your head checked out. Don't need you with a concussion"[/color] [b]Jarvis[/b] [@Silver Fox] Jarvis frowned at Karn's words. Karn typically would have been happy, and want to be involved. This, this was almost...Jarvis shook his head, [color=aba000]"Talking may be all you have, karn. Sometimes talking helps us figure things out"[/color] But Jarvis wasn't going to push, not right now. [color=aba000]"Just know we are here. Like always"[/color] There were suspicions there, but Jarvis would think about them, for a time. [color=aba000]"don't push us away, Karn. The guild is here for you"[/color] [b]Michael[/b] Michael went to speak, but Prince glomped him, forcing him to try and maintain a steady breath, but still seemed to hyperventilate a bit. But Michael seemed at ease, when Prince's words sunk in, relieved that he hadn't done anything in a drunken stupor. So he hugged Prince back, and took a moment to find words. [color=00a651]"I don't want to drink ever again"[/color] his head still hurt and he let out a soft breath.