In the kitchen, Tholo was obvious to the storm that was apparently coming his way from upstairs. He was just finishing the coffee when a whiff of the familiar scent of his shampoo that only he normally used he gave a smirk and began to turn around only to be greet with raged filled eyes and being slammed against his refrigerator. It seemed any hope that for once he was going to have a good day was over. [i]”You tell me why that name is on your lips, now.”[/i], the vampire in front of him fumed. He growled back at her irritated by the sudden aggression. "Damn it woman. First you save me now you are trying to kill me or something," he growled removing her hands from his shirt. He looked once more into her eyes and was somewhat shocked at what he saw. Of course there was the expected rage that he saw before the sudden attack but now there was a hint of tears in Trixy's eyes. He had no idea why but rather then say some sharp tongued comeback, he decided to at least give her an answer, at least he could do that for saving him, even if he was mad for the sudden attack by her. "What name? Francis? It's not like it's an uncommon name and how the hell did you hear me from the bathroom? Never mind probably some vampire thing I don't want to know about," he mumbled, fixing his shirt and then looking at her ",If you must so know who Francis is, he was the only other vampire besides who who didn't feel the need to cut my head off on sight or pump me with silver. It was several centuries back." By now the coffee was brewing and he got himself a cup continuing his story so as to not have to worry about Trixy trying to attack him again. "I was lamenting my guilt with bars at the time due to the past events of mine and he so happened to find me. We probably would of fought to kill each other but he needed someone to get close to a couple of werewolf packs and I needed a means of redemption and pay which he had. So a deal was struck under tense situation. I kicked the habit of drinking to help him and for several months I aided him in what he wanted, even helping with the removal of a few of your 'bad' vampires. No questions asked. We were just acquaintances and I use that loosely. He gave me a job I did it, got payed." He took a sip of his coffee turning and facing Trixy again. "Last I saw him I gave him some information on both packs, I got payed at that was that," he continued ",I waited around to see if he wanted help from an animal again but he never came back so I assumed my use was over. I packed up and left. Eventually leading to life here in the new world. I don't know why you are so curious but that was that. My guess is probably he has some high seat in France still, guy had a rather silver tongue." He waited to see Trixy's reaction to his tale. He couldn't of known what happened to Francis. Wasn't like he cared at the time but seeing Trixy's reaction made him wonder. Was he some old flame of hers or something like the other bloodsucker at the cafe he won't name? Friend? He couldn't tell but now curiosity had it's greedy claws in him so he had to ask putting the now empty cup down. "Why so curious about Francis?" he asked, the anger before dispersing for the time being.