[img]http://i.imgur.com/q4B5ycC.jpg[/img][h3][color=violet]TEAM EGGPLANT[/color][/h3] Roy stared at the girl blankly as he accepted the birdcage into his arms. Accept was more of a loose term, as while he did accept the object the means to carry and otherwise appreciate it weren't really high in his mind. She spent time positioning his arms while they walked and soon he had his ax, his book, and this birdcage jumbled together as he began to have a little bit more trouble with his walking pace. He had trouble accepting the fact that this was [i]his[/i]. Just what about this birdcage signaled that it had belonged to him, because she gave it to him? Was this a trick perhaps, or maybe a show of disdain as the group was using these birdcages to start conflict with one another? It seemed to happen with another set of people a little while ago, so was this girl trying to make him angry while placing this birdcage in his arms? [i]Grr...how dare you birdcage. I'm...angry at you?[/i] Roy stared harder and harder at the birdcage as he marched, unsure about how exactly he was supposed to be mad over this piece of equipment. All his carry on items were relatively easy to carry, and aside from the fact that this birdcage made it a little bit more uncomfortable to walk didn't really affect him in the slightest. He couldn't be angry unless... Then it hit Roy like a woodcutters ax striking hard into a tree. This girl was distracting him with this birdcage, he'd be too preoccupied wondering about...it...that... He began looking at the trees once more and immediately he felt himself calming down. The calming sky matched with the swaying of the leaves eased his heart, and soon all it took was a few euphoric moments with the world around him to really let go of what he was fuming about. This girl had no reason to hate him, and rather than ignore him earlier she actually found herself smiling warmly to him. There wasn't any reason for her to dislike him, so this birdcage obviously would be a gift of some kind. But...what was it for? Why did people have- [i][color=#FFD700]"The call of the forest is probably hard to resist, huh? But try to keep up with Spook over there. I'm pretty sure he has more trees to show you." I'm pretty sure he has more trees to show you. More trees to show you. [h3]Trees to show you.[/h3] [h2]Trees.[/h2][/color][/i] [b][h1][color=forestgreen]TREES.[/color][/h1][/b] In the most inhuman way Roy found himself racing to where Spook was in a split second, next to Lux one moment and then next to the Traveler the next. A number of different people were already walking around the Traveler asking him questions, however the green haired woodcutter had a passion in his eyes. It was true, this was the man that was going to show all of them the world. And in turn, the trees. [color=forestgreen][b]"SPOOK!"[/b][/color] Roy bellowed, not understanding the concept of a line and the etiquette of letting other people go before him. He held up his birdcage to the masked figure, ax and book attached, looking very intently at the grinning mask. The woodcutter's face was serious though, dead serious, as he was determined to get what he needed off of his chest. He knew what question he needed to ask, and what possibly might define the rest of his journey. Possibly even life. The woodcutter took a deep breath. [b][color=forestgreen]"Is THIS birdcage something that discovers trees!"[/color][/b] He held it firmly in front of him, probably looking very comical to the rest of the people. He was breathing intensely and his arms were quivering slightly in front of him. Yet Roy didn't care, and for the brief moment that his eyes flicked over to the front of the path he saw it. Not the thick brown trees the woodcutter was used to in Enn. No. It was a white tree. A thin white tree that stood tall in front of them. He had never seen a white tree before, especially one that gave off so much history. Apparently there was something carved in the base of the tree, however Roy found himself far too busy flicking his eyes up and down the entirety of it. It was at that moment that he dropped all of his things. [@Skittles][@hoppiholla391][@Irisity][@c3p-0h][@Mokley]