TsuMeTai turned away from the former battle site, sheathing his sword as he did so. [color=007236]"Because you ask it, I'll let them live. If I see them attacking a player again, I'll not stay my blade."[/color] He said over his shoulder, keen eyes looking over the newcomers. [color=0054a6]"Well, aren't you nice."[/color] Kip said sarcastically to the one with the hand-and-a-half sword. [color=0054a6]"NPCs or not, they still have a life in this game."[/color] Then her eyes strayed to his health bar, and the name by it. She smirked. [color=0054a6]"Oh. Oh my gods. You're really trying to live up to your name, aren't you? TsuMeTai, Marked General of Zot."[/color] [color=007236][i]Did she just?[/i] "Like you're one to talk, Kip OMEGA."[/color] TsuMeTai let a small smile curve his lips, and he extended a hand. [color=007236]"Nice to meet a fellow fan of old webcomics."[/color] Kip accepted his hand, shaking it firmly. [color=0054a6]"Pleasure."[/color] She agreed with a grin. [color=0054a6]"Now, shall we help your friend with those monsters?"[/color] [color=007236]"We shall."[/color] Together, the two rushed the beasts, swords flashing through the air before scoring their hits.