Still looking for one more person? I wouldn't mind throwing my hat into the ring if thats fine with you. "[color=00746b]I'm telling you man, you don't want any of this. The amount of good times you will not have is IMMENSE.[/color]" [b]Name[/b]: Mateiu "Titan" Lockhart [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]How your char looks[/b]: [img][/img] - He's a pretty big guy: At his average size he stands at approximately 6'5" and weighs 220 pounds. With his particular type of magic he can increase his size to 30' and 6 tons, or decrease it to about 8" and quarter of a pound. [b]History[/b]: Mateiu comes from a long line of magic users each with their own particular specialty. His upbringing was relatively normal as far as magic users go, though with three other brothers and various cousins all of which were magically incline, the term "rough and tumble" could take on a new meaning very quickly. Mateiu and his siblings were all taught the bare basics of magic prior to them actually manifesting their particular magical specialty, mostly to give them a good understanding of magic as a whole, but also to ensure that whatever magic each child came to possess didn't end up destroying the house when they decided to experiment. Each child eventually came into their own, and based on whatever magic they ended up with, were either homeschooled or enrolled the proper school when they were of age. Matieu ended up in the latter category, as his magic is a bit more physical in nature than those of his siblings. [b]What your dream is[/b]: "[color=00746b]I want to open a restaurant. Yes i'm serious.[/color]" [b]Personality[/b]: Mateiu can be a bit of a rough customer. He's prone to being abrasive and blunt in his words and mannerisms, usually choosing to solve a problem in the simplest means available and stubbornly refusing to explore other options until he's failed to achieve the desired results. Assuming one can manage to put up with this, Mateiu is a steadfast friend who will do more or less anything asked of him, though not without a fair deal of complaining if the task is undesirable. He's also prone to displaying his affection through tough love, meaning that there will be plenty of shoulder slugs and teasing to be found. The guy absolutely loves to cook, though he guards this secret ferociously, paradoxically, he will often gift his friends with homemade meals and treats while claiming he picked them up from one place or another. [b]What kind of magic your char has[/b]: Growth magic- Matieu is capable of altering the size of anything he touches at will. The physical attributes of any object touched will also be altered to match the change in size, which removes the danger of the object being destroyed simply by being changed. This transformation is temporary, with the recovery time between each usage of the ability being double the duration of the time it was used. As it stands Mateiu is able to use his ability for about ten minutes at a time.