Shujin He had rose with the rest of the guild, and had gone down for breakfast. He did notice prince toying with the newer member Michael. "Stop teasing him cat man." He growled, slamming his hand covered in iron down on the table next to them. "Relax boy... this pussy cat didn't do anything to or with you... I watched him the entire night." Of course he sent jovial glances prince's way. The way Michael was slouching bothered Shujin, having had trained magical troops before. "Stand up straight boy!" He grunted. "You want to be a success at dragon fang no?" He narrowed his eyes with approval at michael before leaving to finish up his breakfast. Lazarus Jamie's reveal wasn't too unbelievable. He had dabbled in the dark arts in his past of course. What she said was entirely possible. He also had a mini triumph in his head as he had always seen Jamie as a motherly figure. So for her to turn out to be female was a win in his books. What caught his eye. [i]Those two were back.[/i] "Yo! Isabella, Bullet!" He stood up and walked over. "You guys have changed." He didn't even think about whether or not they would recognise him, because of his own change in attire and haircut.