[i]What the heck?[/i] was all Jacob could think as the guy threw two chairs at the guards. Jacob jumped out of his seat and ran towards the nearest guard, then stopped momentarily. [i]What is the plan here, are we trying to kill or to injure? Well, I might well just knock him down for now.[/i] He continued running toward the guard, then stabbed him in the leg inconspicuously. The man instantly stumbled to the ground screaming, but got back up. [i]They're obviously well trained.[/i] he thought. The man swung at him, but Jacob was to quick. He ducked and slid under the guy's legs, then quickly stabbed at his other leg while keeping the knife hidden in his sleeve. He grinned a bit when he noticed how much he felt like Ezio from the game 'Assassins Creed'. The guard fell over again, and didn't get up this time but was rolling around on the ground in pain. That was when Jacob realized he was making this harder than it had to be. He made sure no one was looking, then jumped as high as he could at the nearest wall and at the last second shifted into his animal form. He grabbed onto the wall and jumped towards another guard, landing on the wall above him. He hoped nobody had noticed his transformation; he didn't want his teammates to know what he was yet.