Orchid watched as the little halfing flung herself into the air. Orchid could guess from Sigfried's shouting that he was able to see the demon, which was helpful. As soon as she saw blood coming from the halfling's blades Orchid took out a big arrow, notching it and pulling it back. [color=green]"Fall."[/color] Releasing her arrow it flew into the demon's skull, and thanks to Regina cutting at his neck, tore it's head off. The body's invisibility broke and he quickly fell to the ground. The enchantment on the surviving mercs dropped, though they would still feel the lingering effects for the next few minutes. But the injuries on them would put them out of commission and at the moment, were in no condition to give a good chase. Orchid saw no reason to waste more arrows on them and moved onward ahead of the others, still hidden in the forest. Eventually Orchid found the second cave. No tracks leading to it, so hopefully the demons haven't found it yet. [color=green]"Hmm.... Might be a tight fit in here."[/color] Orchid still had her bow out and snuck in without waiting for the others. She was just as good at hiding in caves as she was in the forest however, and as soon as she entered she was gone once again. [@KazeXDZ][@Belwicket]